Example sentences of "[vb infin] [noun sg] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We do not regard money as the only measure of success .
2 The learner is enabled to edit and modify text in the same way , say , as an adult journalist would .
3 The County Council also accepted as part of this oral approach that there was a need for an alteration to the structure plan , because the approved structure plan did not make provision for a new settlement as an element of approved North Yorkshire strategic policy , and we 've progressed that erm alteration through to the examination er in public er today .
4 Having settled the principle , the partners must make provision for the actual event .
5 The terms and conditions should make provision for the following items .
6 Companies responsible for its prospects have gone out of business seven times , discovering that while they could make money on the big promotions , the building and park were too expensive to run on a tickover basis ( nowadays the park alone costs £650,000 a year to maintain ) , and in an earlier era of six-day working weeks , the public had not much leisure time to spend there anyway .
7 Finally , evidence from what was arguably the most traumatic period for capitalism , the post-1929 Depression in the United States , does not lend support to the real-balance hypothesis : ‘ For the 1929–32 period as a whole there was an increase in real balances of 42 per cent , and a decrease in real income of 40 per cent ’ ( Patinkin , 1951 ) .
8 Minister of Science William Waldegrave , may have released the first major UK government White Paper on science and technology for over 10 years yesterday , but information technology professionals need n't hold their breath : while Waldegrave seems to think we should count ourselves lucky because we 've got our own research council for the first time , it would be more truthful to say we 've been stuffed into the miscellaneous section of the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council , along with the electronic , electrical and communications industries ; our body , together with the Particle Physics and Sciences Research Council , will replace the Science and Engineering Research Council ; as a result , we will benefit ‘ from the same building of bridges between research bodies and industry ’ as the rest of the reorganised bodies and should experience interaction at an earlier stage — on the Japanese and German model .
9 Additional question : " Do you agree that Uzbekistan should remain part of a renewed union ( federation ) as an equal sovereign republic ? "
10 The position , as the Government have repeatedly made clear , is that trusts will remain part of the national health service .
11 Everyone does not regard noise in the same way .
12 How many in this world do you think stand in the front rank ?
13 That the arbitrageur can lend money at the riskless rate of interest appears sensible , but it is more questionable to assume that he or she can borrow at the riskless rate ( although if the marginal arbitrageur is a large financial institution , the assumption may be reasonable ) .
14 ‘ If you want to borrow or lend money on a rolling settlement basis we can bundle it in with the service .
15 This discourages mounting adhesive from oozing on to the lower surface of the preparation , where it would affect attachment on the lapping machine 's vacuum chucks .
16 Almost as soon as he arrived at Highbury Chapman persuaded his chairman that the team needed Charlie Buchan , the long-shining star of Sunderland who , at thirty-four , was seen as the man to inspire and lend experience to the faltering Arsenal attack .
17 Sir Denys Henderson would remain chairman of the two groups .
18 They can make progress in no other way .
19 We should not grant recognition to the Baltic states or any other So Soviet Republics unless they guarantee human rights ?
20 Other public policies may also influence investment in the private sector .
21 Whereas the excavation of settlements can throw light on the useful activities of ancient societies , it is from burials not previously looted by treasure-seekers that archaeologists have recovered artefacts shaped by the finest craftsmen from the most precious substances , veritable trophies of the forces of emulation responsible for the rise of human civilizations .
22 But this principle on account of its very generality can not throw light on the above distinction , and as a result the concept of individuality remains ambiguous and obscure .
23 Indeed , it is perhaps not overly optimistic to think that the view of the relation between an event and its support put forward here may be applicable , mutatis mutandis , to the -ing form and may even throw light on the vexed question of gerund vs participle .
24 The ideological postures , currently being enacted within the National Front , may throw light upon the important question raised earlier : why should fascist groups cling to their traditions of antisemitism , even though no direct political advantage would seem to accrue from their continuation ?
25 Next there is the search in the real world for data which will throw light upon the chosen problems ; the collection of the data follows and finally its analysis .
26 As the Audit Commission notes : ‘ Schools will need support in the new environment .
27 You will need support from a trained counsellor at either a voluntary organisation like The Terrence Higgins Trust or a sexually transmitted disease clinic , in order to make a good informed decision .
28 It was essential that our recommendations should arouse enthusiasm among the best teachers ; if they disliked our plans , the National Curriculum would never be properly implemented in the classroom .
29 A countryside walk will be opened in the near future and will include part of the old BCR trackbed .
30 A presidential candidate could win election on the first round only by gaining an absolute majority of the votes cast by at least one-quarter of registered voters ; otherwise the election would be decided by a second-round run-off between the two candidates with most votes .
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