Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] the [noun] [subord] she " in BNC.

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1 A female employee 's husband and her family could not benefit from the scheme after she had retired .
2 Where will Mary look for the coin when she comes back in ?
3 She is employed at the stores five evenings a week and on Sundays , and says the Sunday hours mean her husband can look after the children while she works .
4 She watched her mother turn and look towards the window before she said , ‘ She 's … she 's got to go . ’
5 erm , first twelve weeks pregnant so should I mark at the bottom when she types .
6 In the meantime , the director who would have done it , who is a name director , has asked me to go and work at the RSC because she 's now busy for exactly that period of time .
7 A man could n't slide into the abyss when she was around .
8 But he did n't move from the doorway until she did look up .
9 Either the lady who had been his companion the night before was leaving , in which case it would be bad manners to notice , or she intended to remain , and would return to the chamber when she was ready .
10 Bosses of the Tory-controlled authority say she can not stay in the school because she lives outside the priority area .
11 Mrs Falconer , a senior lecturer in textiles , has been told there is funding for only one textile lecturer in the school , but that she could remain on the staff if she accepted demotion to ordinary lecturer — a post already held by her sister , Barbara Diack .
12 Mrs Falconer is facing compulsory redundancy and has been told that she could stay on the staff if she accepts demotion to ordinary lecturer — a post already held by her sister , Barbara Diack .
13 Lee felt jealous , lumpy , and tried to let go of the feeling as she arranged the flowers in the kitchen .
14 We knew she would n't go near the road because she was so frightened of people and movement that she always stuck to the security and space of the golf course .
15 Perhaps everything would change like the names once she was out of their net .
16 She would go to the mortuary when she woke up , she told herself .
17 Because she said because he wo n't let the postman come round the back so she has to keep him inside .
18 For years afterwards , Jay 's heart gave a lurch every time she passed the place where they parked — Astrid drove the three hundred yards from her house so they could kiss in the car before she went to Timisia .
19 She would add to the clay as she journeyed .
20 Of course , she 'd get at the boy if she could .
21 Said she could check with the hotel if she wanted to be sure .
22 Elliott said , ‘ She 'll talk to the police if she talks at all — who else ? ’
23 She never asked if she could help in the kitchen since she knew Alice would be irritated by an offer which she knew to be impractical and insincere .
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