Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] the [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The DRO can follow up a placement to discuss any problems that may arise between the disabled worker and his employer .
2 With four minutes left I was worried — worried whether I would be able to go out and eat for the next week or so .
3 This would compensate for the extra costs and disadvantages of disability , and thereby help to reduce the disparity experienced by many older women between their needs and resources .
4 Importing authorities , on the other hand , have complained that the cross-boundary flow adjustment does not fully compensate for the actual workload since , by using average costs , it does not fully cover the costs of treating high-cost cases .
5 You know often they do n't stay through the whole meeting but if they 've got specific points to bring up you know th you know it 's flexible really you know sort of depending on what 's going on really .
6 The Headmaster was helping prepare for the grand event and was so confident it would be a success , he had contacted a specialist to come to take the Bookman away when caught .
7 The society claims that there are ‘ cosmic masters ’ in the universe and that they have come ‘ to give priceless teachings to man to help him prepare for the New World and to bring a great millennium of peace ’ .
8 You ca n't answer for the other officers but you can answer for yourself .
9 Let's think about the unsuccessful hospitals and , possibly more to the point , the unsuccessful ventures undertaken from time to time by otherwise efficient units .
10 So what do you think about the overall situation as it stands at the present time ?
11 Far from wanting students to challenge and think about the important issues that affect patients and the community , the course tutors simply seemed to want compliant students who would not answer back .
12 But Madam Deputy Speaker , these order do n't pay any attention to a number of matters in what I would regard as the public interest and whilst the minister as I say , has quite rightly paid tribute to professional organisations involved in this process , we must never forget that we 're here to represent the public interest and not just er er specific professional interests that may be relevant in each case and indeed in the light of what has happened in this field of enforcement er over the last two years , the minister must be aware that the public are requiring higher standards of commercial probity .
13 Normally a knight expected to serve for about forty days a year at his own expense ; the terms of his service might also be restricted — when and where he served , and for how long he would stay after the forty days if the king paid him .
14 Manager Kenny Shiels , watching his side win for the first time since the opening day of the season , feels that it 's not an impossible dream .
15 Manager Kenny Shiels , watching his side win for the first time since the opening day of the season , feels that it 's not an impossible dream .
16 Whoever had been there before me did n't know about the spare key because the glass in the top half of the door was shattered and the door was open .
17 Nearly half did n't know about the official guidelines and a quarter admitted they had no monitoring procedures .
18 But then I was meant to mention , ask Rachel if she 'd seen the photograph cos Mike did n't know about the two photographs that er Rachel and Louise have taken .
19 ‘ And as for the idea that I am being some how manipulated all I can say is that I do n't know about the other girls but I have been in a similar industry — television , for the last couple of years and now I know how it works .
20 Maggie sat at the table , thinking that she did n't know about the proposed camp but could n't wait to get at the promised bathing facilities .
21 ( Employees may opt for the higher quote but can expect to pay the difference themselves . )
22 Some people , upon seeing a title like that , would automatically opt for the pre-shaping method since maths is quite often a dirty word .
23 He said a woman should aske for the senior registrar and make a full statement .
24 It calls for the qualities of a fighter , for only with those qualities can we win through the constant traps and barriers laid by the forces that would block our path and drag us down .
25 One of the things about when you are old and move to a residential home I think one of the important things is that you want to go and live close to your loved ones , if you have any , and it does just worry me that if you happen to be a person who is resident in and your loved ones live in , under these terms if you went to a residential home in you would n't qualify for the higher rate and that seems to me to be wrong .
26 My monthly insurance payment worked out at £18.20 , but I could n't qualify for the Denplan scheme until the necessary work had been carried out to make my mouth dentally fit .
27 If it was above £85,000 the owners would qualify for the next band and pay £551 .
28 For example , as a plagioclase-rich layer sediments , fast-settling olivine formed in the overlying layer can fall through the interfacial zone and the excess density flux can overturn the layer .
29 He was never a favourite character of mine , as I do not approve of the British partition and subsequent desertion of India , mismanaged by Mountbatten against a horrific background of massacres .
30 Moreover , it was his heart 's desire that the cause of the Gospel would flourish throughout the whole country and even beyond .
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