Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] [pron] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The production of an interesting and informative Journal is going to depend largely on you , the Members , providing items of news , reminiscences etc and we do appeal to you to contact the joint Editors with any material suitable for inclusion in future issues .
2 It is always a lie and never the truth , ’ Questionable though that judgement may be on the aphorism in general , it does seem to me to catch the half-formed nature of this observation — or perhaps , better speaking , its lack of a frame .
3 I rather deplore the recent manifestation of Pop ; it does n't seem to me to have the intellectual force of the art of the Sixties .
4 Then you might care for me to redraft the complete document in more concise form .
5 After all , you confused me with someone else , and I really should n't care for you to make the same mistake twice .
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