Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] [art] [det] [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 if you would n't mind in the meantime if you could think of a few names you know as you 're going about your daily business .
2 Try to think of those good points of Sarah 's , Christine , and you wo n't mind about the few points she loses ! ’
3 Well let's look at a few examples I 'll take the Korean war of nineteen fifty to fifty three , the Cuban missiles crisis which , although was not an actual war , very nearly threatened a nuclear war , of nineteen sixty two and the Vietnam war of nineteen sixty three to nineteen seventy two .
4 A British walker survived for seven days without food , save for a few prunes she managed to scavenge out of a dustbin , while lost in New Zealand 's rugged Taparua mountain range .
5 Erm I just want to go back and talk about a few things we just touched on earlier .
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