Example sentences of "[vb infin] [be] [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now uranium erm is , is er a non-renewable resource like oi oil and coal and gas but there 's an awful lot of it in the world and this is erm the reserves of the energy they can give are compared to the remaining reserves of coal or and er gas , you can see it 's one of the largest energy resources on on earth .
2 What I 'd do is stay on the other side of the room so I would n't get sucked through it .
3 What this , this union must do and what Labour must do is campaign for the earliest possible opt-in to the Social Chapter .
4 ‘ At the time I wanted to weep or murder somebody , but now — ’ he shrugged pragmatic shoulders ‘ — all I can do is wait for the next time . ’
5 The very least the world can now do is to read into the legal record the barbarism of the Bosnian war .
6 For the present all we need do is point to the logical gap between pluralism and neutrality .
7 Erm what place erm does the convenor see being made in the legal processes to make available to estranged couples the opportunity for erm voluntary conciliation between the parties ?
8 It is a recognized component of rituals of healing we can still see being practised by the wise men , witch doctors and shamans in ‘ primitive ’ societies and sometimes in the spiritual healing work of evangelical preachers .
9 The few square inches of it that I could see were spoiled by the sticky red blood which had pooled out over them .
10 But I do remember being impressed by the various fathers who came home on leave and the colourful uniforms they wore , more especially those who wore the " maternity jacket " of the Royal Flying corps .
11 She could clearly remember the first day that Scott had shown her around , could remember being impressed by the overwhelming glamour of it all .
12 Would you mind being introduced to the Aged now ?
13 Quite how individual that voice could become is underlined in the surest possible way in his later Corelli Variations Op. 42 of 1931 : the monumental is the very stuff of which they are made .
14 Remember to have a neighbour on call so that the unit may be switched off should a hosepipe ban be imposed by the local water authority .
15 Mrs Thatcher , in effect , did not anticipate being linked to the monetary system of an increasingly interventionist Europe in her political lifetime .
16 But it remains difficult to see how the paper tiger can avoid being shredded over the next two or three years .
17 Another apparent exception to the general rule that ignorance of the plaintiff 's rights does not excuse was recognised by the Privy Council in Maynegrain Pty .
18 To set the problem in more concrete terms , we must seek an answer to the question as to why make and have are followed by the bare infinitive , while cause , occasion , get and all the other causatives are construed with to infinitives .
19 Clearly without the deprivation payments some good inner city practices would have been bankrupted by the new contract .
20 That is to say neither do I believe , in the terms of classical Christology , that Jesus of Nazareth could have had , as well as his human nature , a divine nature ; nor do I believe that he could have been raised from the dead , so acquiring uniqueness through God 's act of raising him .
21 It may even have been increased by the new Article 92 , in spite of the continuing ban on discrimination on the basis of nationality .
22 Civil Service have conceded fewer goals than any other team in the division , and had Howell not taken the decision to stand down from the top flight , he could have been elevated to the Scottish senior international training squad this summer .
23 Vast masses of people were subject to conditions that would barely have been tolerated in the Dark Ages .
24 The aim of creating a sense of prime loyalty among members of the colony , which was small enough for them to know each other , did not constitute any kind of a threat to central authorities in 1922 , but it would not have been tolerated in the 1930s , when family members were encouraged to spy on one another in the state interest .
25 There is an habitual inability to see the logical wood for the emotional trees , as the less discerning will have been proving since the final whistle sounded at Celtic Park .
26 Another 20 who can not face seeing the area have been invited to the British ambassador 's villa at Kakami .
27 Geologists , mapping the site , found it difficult to understand how they could have been shaped by the normal forces of erosion .
28 I came to believe that Yá2wshu must have been descended from the importunate widow , for he seldom left me alone in those early months , and I was glad to crawl under my mosquito net at night , only to be woken at earliest dawn by my faithful and dutiful friend .
29 Here and there minor changes in field boundaries may have been made during the past 150 or 200 years , but on the whole the enclosure map lays down the present-day pattern exactly .
30 Still it suggests that some profit might even have been made of the Tilberthwaite work .
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