Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] he [verb] n't [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , but on the other hand we had early season , you know , from Stuart and he seemed to interest in away but I do n't know why he did n't play much at the end of the season .
2 And : ‘ I do n't know why he did n't shoot me .
3 I do n't understand why he does n't do it himself .
4 I am a fan and I can not understand why he does n't sell in the David Lodge league , for he well worth recommending .
5 The police i know , went to see Rachael , and they still ca n't understand why he did n't use an islander , you know ?
6 She could n't understand why he did n't turn and go .
7 I ca n't understand why he did n't know you were n't the only woman in Garry 's life . ’
8 He could n't understand why he did n't recall it himself .
9 You can see why he did n't want to acknowledge a family connection with someone who was convicted of murder .
10 but you see he 'd have a list of the horse who 's gon na work or win races well if them animals did n't eat up he did n't work them .
11 and when he do n't come out oh and when he does go out he do n't ask us to go out , he 'll say nah .
12 I ca n't think why he did n't convince the Threarah . "
13 And you 're always on the wrong side of the road which does n't help Well he did n't expect that .
14 My father taught me to shoot , I ca n't imagine why he did n't teach me to drive . ’
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