Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [prep] the [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 I did n't know enough about the subject to be able to query it .
2 But much will hang also on the extent to which teachers succumb to the temptation to teach for the test , and thereby create a classroom atmosphere that focuses narrowly on learning the content and the skills that will be tested , and is therefore less lively , less varied , more repetitive and more anxiety-provoking for the pupils .
3 If the backpack gets too heavy , of course , you could always canoe back down the river to Chepstow !
4 Oxford Practice Grammar contains over a hundred double-page units with the exercises facing the explanations so that students can glance across from the exercises to the rules and back .
5 So then you we can tighten in on the site to not only a place actually on the site but how far down they came from as well .
6 They are like patients , who , suspecting that something is seriously wrong , steadfastly refuse to see a doctor in the hope that their troubles will clear up without the need to be told the truth about themselves or undergo painful treatment .
7 Besides , from this path we could see right across the meadows to a clutch of villages nestling beneath the highest point on the Gower , the rounded silhouette of Rhosili Down ( 632ft ) .
8 Then Rachel would flit back along the alleyways to Richmond Palace . ’
9 That does n't sound out of the way to me .
10 He parted some ferns so we could look back across the Paddock to the changing-rooms where the next toy soldier had just launched himself towards the Orchard .
11 To confirm this we have to pause and look back from the road to Aubeterre as it climbs the eastern slope of the valley of the Tude , just as Pound must have paused in 1911 ; and then we see that , whereas the modern town of Chalais is in the river bottom , old Chalais , a manorial village grouped round the gate of the château , does indeed stand on the ridge behind , so that the tops of the tallest poplars by the river wave just below the walls of the château .
12 Then , early on 14 August , stalls selling souvenirs , all kinds of religious objects , sweets , primitive toys , salamis and cheese would spring up in the approaches to the Santuario .
13 II.C.236 ’ , one could move upward in the classification to ‘ 2 .
14 On earlier models , the mylar sheet will always move on during the left to right row , whichever side the carriage was on when you started .
15 However , as I argue in the final section , the extent of sexual dimorphism will depend not on the extent to which reproductive success varies in the two sexes but on the comparative effects of particular phenotypic traits on the breeding success of males and females .
16 It was arranged that Charles would book a table at the Ecu de France in Jermyn Street and that they 'd meet there after the visit to the agent .
17 None the less , Henry did not rush headlong down the road to schism .
18 Then you will ride down in the cage to the bottom of the shaft — 294 feet deep .
19 Liverpool Chamber of Commerce and Industry meets today to consider the Task Force draft proposals and the consultation process will develop further in the run-up to the EC decision which is due in the Autumn .
20 The factors which come within the first category are those which must exist independently of the substance to be decided .
21 " It should have been in her handbag , because the shopman said she did n't go on to the pillar-box to post anything .
22 Well he was a very active man my word he would soon go right from the house to the top of as you would say because we had sheep then .
23 In three hours we managed to get the contractors to build an earth ramp , roll it flat , cover it with gravel and put a handrail alongside so that people could walk down from the road to a flat area beside the ceremony site .
24 ‘ Well done , Percy , old boy ! ’ he would call out to Percy Harvey , who would grin and pass quickly up the stairs to the Music Library with his scores .
25 Average walkers will go further along the glen to the Lochan Dubha at the foot of Blaven before returning happily after a most interesting ten-mile trek .
26 She did n't go straight from the house to the Station Hotel .
27 Margaret Shepherd , whose cafe in Queen Street has for many years been popular with parties of elderly people , said many handicapped groups had cancelled this year because they could no longer walk straight from the cafe to the seafront .
28 The Business Plan will go back with the letter to them .
29 I do not suggest that to restore benefit to 16 to 18-year-olds would solve this problem overnight , but it would go far down the road to alleviating this problem which surely must be unacceptable in 1993 .
30 Our congratulations should go out from the House to the national health service for what it is achieving .
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