Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj -er] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What Souness has said will act only as a greater incentive for us in the replay at Selhurst Park . ’
2 I hope there will yet be occasion to make use of them again in the same cause , even if we must wait now for a better opportunity .
3 It is possible that a few minor markets did grow slowly from an earlier village but they are difficult to discover .
4 That is not Mr Lawson 's fault , of course , but he has to live with the danger that while the world 's capital markets will duly bridge the gap between Britain 's domestic savings and investment , they will only do so at a lower price for sterling .
5 If faster scrapping was properly taken into account in the capital stock statistics it would show up in a higher figure for depreciation ( and thus a lower profit share ) rather than a falling output-capital ratio .
6 ‘ You can see better from the lower door , ’ I remarked , turning to go down the path .
7 There are some identifiable developed deities ; there are some incongruously primitive daemons too , which may look back towards an earlier period of religious feeling ; there are also some images of divinities which seem to be relatively poorly assimilated foreign imports .
8 Many people who have reached this stage in their infection can look forward to no further trouble from their disease and will probably die of old age or some other condition unrelated to their syphilis .
9 Leyhill is proud of its record in helping to rehabilitate former criminals … and thanks to a spell of gardening , many inmates can look forward to a brighter future … their light fingers turned into green fingers …
10 If you can clear up this problem , you can look forward to a happier future .
11 The anger on his brow made him look uncommonly like a younger version of his brother .
12 I have opted for a selection of Amazon Swords , Giant Vallis , Fountain plants , Twisted Vallis and Cryptocorynes , The Crypts will fare better at the dimmer end of the tank .
13 Often people will move up to a better word processor or spreadsheet , but will want to carry on using the other applications in their integrated package .
14 IT IS typical of the contrary nature of things that just as the impression grows that Rangers will progress inevitably to a higher plane and leave lesser sides to their own devices , along come Airdrie , all skint knees and sweat , to sow a couple of doubts .
15 Every increase in the price expected will , as a rule , induce some people who would not otherwise have produced anything , to produce a-little ; and those , who have produced something for the lower price , will produce more for the higher price .
16 Prototype materials were tried out in these schools with the help of field curriculum workers ( mobile teacher trainers whose story we shall take up in a later chapter ) and later refined and distributed in final form to a further eight hundred schools with a similar scale of supervision , in the hope that these would serve as a nucleus in each state for further dissemination to other schools .
17 Such dogs do not take well to a lower pecking order and skilful training is necessary .
18 I mean , do the other do these things happen in cycles and tha you know , is it possible that it 'll happen again on a greater scale ?
19 The Chancellor made clear that henceforth he would rely more on the narrower definition of money , Mo , and maintain a high exchange rate ( and high interest rates ) to dampen inflation .
20 So , if you have to cope with recrimination , invidious comparisons and abuse from your son or daughter , take the long view and remain solid and safe ; it may be painful for you , but it will pay off in the longer term .
21 If you are a stand-alone system then take advantage of programs like Suitcase and Font/DA Juggler but do take the time to read the manuals otherwise you can end up with a worse problem than you started with .
22 Of course , while the wider range of lenders and mortgage products mean that borrowers can end up with a better deal than in the past , it also means spending more time and effort choosing the best mortgage for your particular circumstances .
23 Years when you are at home and getting home responsibilities protection will not be counted , but years when you are unemployed or working part-time will , and will bring down the average , so you will end up with a lower pension .
24 Taking a lump sum reduces the pension you receive but , on the other hand if you invest the money wisely , you could end up with a higher income .
25 So if you already own land you would end up with a larger unit than if you owned no land before .
26 It may be considered that a three year period in 7.6.5 is too long and that two years is an adequate period for reinstatement to take place , but the landlord will probably hold out for the longer period .
27 ‘ T is so no more ’ , that is , he can no longer consider himself the same person — he has become , at last , a human being ( line 36 ) , not a dreaming poet , and he can not go back to the earlier state .
28 I hope we shall leave here with a deeper love and , if I dare suggest it , a more confident love .
29 He writes : ‘ No knowledgeable reading researcher disputes the fact that a higher level of national literacy will come only through a higher level of nationally shared information . ’
30 The planning will need to take account of the fact that the groups should come together at a later stage .
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