Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] in [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Those who , with some justification , criticise the lack of continuity within some primary schools , should consider it in comparison with the secondary school when viewed from the child 's viewpoint .
2 If we are to understand the feeding habits of the species , therefore , we must consider it in relation to the whole ecology of the species , and its relations to other species .
3 I 'll take you over to Paris and we 'll watch them in Paris on the twenty so she said , oh when ?
4 When Peel heard Lord John Russell 's introduction of the Bill on 1 March 1831 , he realised that where he had meant to divide the middle from the lower classes , the measure proposed by the Whigs would unite them in support of the new Government .
5 Where that can not be achieved , the formation of separate partnerships under a single firm-name may be a more successful method of preserving unity ; ( 2 ) the rivalry mentioned above will commonly show itself in relation to the profitability of each office .
6 But the recognition since of the tremendous value of historic buildings of all types , the successful conversion of buildings for new uses and a public determination that history will not repeat itself in terms of the demolition and desecration that was then taking place , have inspired us — and many local amenity societies , preservation trusts , action groups and individuals — to carry on campaigning .
7 Did they feel something in common with the rest of the Whirl-Y-Gig clientele ?
8 Come on , let's do it in style in the sitting-room . ’
9 There 's a lot more mystery about what the careers officers do cos they do n't do it in front of the noses of the employment officers
10 This way they can do it in safety in the theatre .
11 A cairn marks the crossroads , and although the outrageously boggy path will cover you in peat to the armpits , you may hug yourself in delight to be walking in empty country again , as the cries of ‘ Look , Mam .
12 I 'm going to make a fortune , and your little flurry on General Motors will keep you in mink for the rest of your life .
13 I 'm the father of a two year old and I 'd like him in school by the age of four to learn Japanese .
14 Unless a mother divorces herself completely from the essential tasks of child care , handing over her baby to others , her role will keep her in touch with the most basic elements of life !
15 Cos I 'm gon na stick it in front of the T V so I do n't keep sh screaming into it .
16 But why have they actually said , to ask specifically , I mean , you can understand it in terms of the cars , or something , cos a lot of people are claiming for everything right left and centre .
17 I am sending you , therefore , fresh copies of the agreement so that you can sign them in front of the necessary official .
18 Neighbourhood Watch The first step has been taken to form a neighbourhood watch in Foulis Crescent and it is hoped that Woodhall Avenue and Drive will set one in motion in the near future .
19 Neighbourhood Watch The first step has been taken to form a neighbourhood watch in Foulis Crescent and it is hoped that Woodhall Avenue and Drive will set one in motion in the near future .
20 If you kiss another man publicly , or go out with him to a nightclub like 1997 , you 'll humiliate me in front of the whole damned colony ! ’
21 Hall said that he could not see why the first and second prize-winners had been passed over , as a Gothic building would have nothing in common with the nearby Treasury Chambers and Whitehall .
22 You 'll have them in time for the competition perhaps . ’
23 Furthermore , as far as skinhead paraphernalia is concerned , is n't Morrissey telling his fans ( supposedly alienated from society 's mainstream ) that we may have something in common with the frightening skinheads ?
24 A further discussion with Sir Henry led us to agree that the telegram must be delivered , but that I should take it in person to the Editor and see if something less embarrassing could be agreed .
25 If you are talking of a system which will marry the time sheets with the performance appraisal , this is not a small thing and I bet you we do n't have it in place by the end of April .
26 Cycling is not officially permitted on the narrow towpath , however walkers can join it in Linlithgow at the canal basin at the top ( south end ) of Station Road .
27 Still an urge to hit out compelled her , a need to try and hurt him in retaliation for the pain he dealt her with his unhidden contempt .
28 But you must inform them in writing of the situation .
29 ‘ I suppose it was because you had such respect for him that you felt you could leave him in charge of the boarders tonight ? ’
30 ‘ Ah 'd have liked to take a look around the Archaeological Museum , but Ah fear we 'd never make it in time through the rush-hour traffic .
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