Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [adv] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 we 'll have to let them catch you right at the right , where the music tells you too , dum , oh
2 There is something in you that loves the wild , the primitive ; you will pursue it even at the cost of what you cherish .
3 Whether you are experiencing physical pain , mental anguish or emotional distress , you will feel it deeply at the time .
4 If you ca n't do it here you ca n't do it at the beginning of the second appointment , if you ca n't do it there then the chances are you 'll do it right at the end and if you have n't made the sale I guarantee you wo n't ask .
5 It 's er Dennis next with Afternoon Special I 'll see you tonight at the Star Inn on Middle Street in Beeston at eight o'clock for Drinking Partners if you want to come along and watch there .
6 I 'll see you later at the course . ’
7 Always optimistic , Anne felt sure that now that she would see him regularly at the dance , she would soon find out how he 268 really felt about her , but it was not to be .
8 If you have a lead rising main , it may well be that you can see it only at the mains stopcock , after which it disappears into the wall to re-emerge in the loft covered with sacking on its way to the cold water cistern .
9 We have some good news for Norbert Stiles O.B.E. since he will keep it tight at the back for our key diplomatic posting .
10 She felt limp and exhausted , but there might be someone in the kitchen , and she could n't face anyone else at the moment .
11 But a subtle critic may well save us a great deal of time , pain and trouble in the learning , for he can set us aright at the outset , and by his example rather than by his assertions show us how to avoid admiring that which is unworthy .
12 It 's sticky so I 'll er , I 'll leave it here at the moment .
13 Do n't get them anywhere at the moment !
14 This should put you right at the top of the list of Martin 's favourite people . ’
15 Say if we do n't get it right at the beginning what we get out at the end can be very successful .
16 Well why put it right at the back ?
17 Again , that does n't get us anywhere at the moment , but it does slightly bear out the possibility that the man was a foreigner which would explain our total failure so far to get him identified . "
18 But what really seems to hurt and rankle you most at the moment is the behaviour and attitude of a friend or close companion — and no doubt the Full Moon in Aries on the 14th will prove challenging and even emotionally upsetting .
19 The operation of these laws being impervious to our preferences , men will challenge them only at the risk of failure .
20 It does n't worry me now at the moment .
21 You could say something here at the top of Rita 's point that .
22 If I were you , I 'd hit it straight at the pin . ’
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