Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [adv] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The last two goals are the most important , and we shall consider them further in the following sections .
2 You might need it later in the same flight ; if it is n't there , you ca n't use it .
3 The trouble by this stage , however , is that an adequate account of the effects of admonishments , threats and exhortations would enmesh one further in the semantic question posed by the original problem .
4 And alas , I thought , my penitential journey over , they did n't do it separately in the first place .
5 ‘ If it 'll make you even in the smallest degree more cheerful . ’
6 ‘ We must run it safely in the short term and long term , ’ he said , ‘ because if people are able to demonstrate that we are causing an environment problem we will be shut down . ’
7 You can see this in the adventure novels of Alastair Maclean ; you can see it equally in the intellectual novels of Iris Murdoch .
8 that the choice lay between power , which had served us since the days of Clive , and influence which , if we could use it aright in the changed conditions of the twentieth century , would serve us better .
9 ‘ I 'm setting a deadline to open the course in spring 1994 , but if we can have it open in the late summer of 93 that would be ideal , ’ he said .
10 But what Gentile would read it even in the Greek translation of I Maccabees ?
11 Until he can hold himself safely in the correct positions without increasing his spasticity when he is lying down , sitting , standing , or walking , he has to be helped to move in every situation .
12 ‘ You came up against outdoor players , many of them farmers who would simply barrel you backwards in the tight and , if they got to you , in the loose . ’
13 We have now collected a good number of formulae which will serve us well in the following sections .
14 Career-wise , especially , it seems you are destined to scale new heights and what takes place sometime around October 29 and again on November 3 will put you firmly in the big league and back in the money again .
15 Now that really does put you directly in the front-line when you 're answering the phone , so that call could be for anybody , when you take up a night-line call .
16 We have a responsibility now … to see that we do not get it wrong in the other direction .
17 We must get it together in the four one-day internationals against India before we get to Sri Lanka .
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