Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [adj] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They were evidently hearing something different from the rest of us now , for we would watch them slow-dance to the fastest beat , and then , on the next record , see them execute perfect and elaborate improvised arabesques , all fast footwork and impassioned arms , in the gaps of a slow blues .
2 It would like something similar to the G-24 that co-ordinates western aid to Eastern Europe .
3 I propose Elizabeth that you circulate Jenny 's reprocedures to everyone but we do n't know with them , that we will read them prior to the next meeting and agree them at the meeting papers turning I have got to assess papers turning take one .
4 They feared that to alienate the Grand Prince , who had a wide measure of control over appointments to the hierarchy , would leave them vulnerable to the intellectual vigour of the ‘ heresy ’ .
5 Some of the European Court of Justice 's opinions can be quite ‘ woolly ’ and do leave themselves open to a wider interpretation , but I do not believe that the opinion was meant to be interpreted so widely as to provide for an auditor recognised in one member state to practise in a second member state without any requirement to obtain local authorisation .
6 However , if the dividend is to be effectively delivered , it can not leave us vulnerable to the many other surprises hiding around the corner .
7 My Lords , I ca n't give it precisely at the , at the d the despatch box , it is public information , I will make it available to the Noble Lord and place the answer in the library .
8 Will my right hon. Friend assure the House , however , that , before large amounts of financial aid are made available , he will make it clear to the Russian people and Government that it is not Governments but people who create wealth ?
9 A formal party vote might not be necessary to remove him : senior members of his party might make it clear to the Prime Minister that he no longer had the confidence of the parliamentary party ( as , in a sense , happened with Churchill in 1955 ) , or the lack of support might become clear as the result of a Commons vote ( as in 1940 , when Chamberlain obtained a drastically-reduced majority in a vote of confidence ) .
10 You could write something similar to the following example anywhere in your program where you wished this calculation to be carried out .
11 However , an awareness of the immensity of the art-cities of the dead , the archival mounds of texts , files , artefacts , art works , videos , tapes , should put us wise to the horrible truth that if we are not on record now there 's little hope of any but the most persistent archaeologising feminist noticing the omission in the future .
12 Said one insider : " We did n't want any International incidents with players who might say something indiscreet to the tabloid press . "
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