Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [adj] [noun] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You see , ’ said Holmes to me , ‘ I think she does n't want her new husband to see the photograph .
2 Mr President Ladies and Gentlemen as the Chairman of South Cambridgeshire District Council it does give me great pleasure to welcome the Institute of Environmental Health Officers to Girton College here in South Cambridgeshire this morning .
3 You can choose which individual member fights the monster , but forget about ganging up on him .
4 In schools in the North West of England and the Lothian region of Scotland involved in the study , half the teachers did not feel their smoking habits affected the pupils they taught .
5 Instead of square-bashing around their Berlin barracks , 500 graduates will do their military service teaching the young jobless how to use computers .
6 We reject the idea that it does n't matter which anti-Unionist force opposes the Tory candidate . '
7 If ‘ that bloody woman ’ had heard him utter such a curse , she would have ripped into him with a piece of her mind , then he would have whipped her with his tongue , then this sop of a man before him would have got between them , and afore you knew it , there would be a full-scale war waging — and in the heat of the moment he might foolishly betray his devious plans to boot the lot of them out of his house and out of his life .
8 ‘ I personally want to represent Canada at the 1995 World Cup ’ , he says , ‘ and , to be realistic , there is absolutely no way the Japan RFU will see their national team take the field with more than a couple of foreigners in the line-up .
9 The purchaser will use its reasonable endeavours to obtain the release of any personal guarantees made by the Directors in respect of ABC and its subsidiary companies ' existing obligations relating to the business of ABC and subsidiaries ( which after investigating such guarantees and terms of release it agrees to obtain the release of ) and pending such release will indemnify the Directors against any claims under such guarantees .
10 As might be supposed , West German parties do indeed use their regional lists to promote the election of their most favoured candidates .
11 On the contrary , they prefer to rest in groups out in the open , where they can use their acute senses to scan the landscape for tell-tale sounds , scents and movements .
12 But if 60 per cent of Conservative members really believe that standards may suffer , the remedy 's in their hands : they must use their corporate power to change the Bill for the better .
13 I wish he could use his Saudi influences to prevent the barbaric practice of decapitation of human beings which takes place every Friday in the square at Riyadh in Saudi Arabia .
14 If you have not , will you use your good offices to nudge the Home Secretary in that direction so that he apologises to Winston Silcott and his family ?
15 If you were a wild creature , you could certainly use your lensless eye to detect the looming shape of a predator , and the direction from which it was approaching .
16 That did n't stop my old man pocketing the money , touching his cap and then heading off towards the Black Bull .
17 Another well known example is the line of cases headed by A. v. Liverpool City Council [ 1982 ] A.C. 363 , where the House of Lords said that the court should not exercise its inherent jurisdiction to supervise the exercise of a discretion within an area committed by statute to a local authority .
18 Another well known example is the line of cases headed by A. v. Liverpool City Council [ 1982 ] A.C. 363 , where the House of Lords said that the court should not exercise its inherent jurisdiction to supervise the exercise of discretion within an area committed by statute to a local authority .
19 Not only does Dame Sirith advertise her professional ability to repeat the trick , or to obtain for a man the woman he wants in the way he wants , and thus anticipate her ability to star in an extended series of fabliaux that the poet may tell , but the language and prosody convey certain points that lie at the heart of the fabliau perspective .
20 The Tribunal dismissed the appeal , affirming that the LA did not exercise his statutory function to assist the local planning authority , which had different functions to perform .
21 Will my right hon. Friend undertake to arrange a debate before Christmas , or at least before the December Council of Ministers meeting on fishing , so that we may have our annual chance to discuss the state of the fishing industry in England and elsewhere in the kingdom ?
22 A , the landlord , having ( by conduct ) told B , his tenant , ‘ You need not fulfil your contractual duty to repair the premises within six months of the notice I have given you , ’ could not forfeit the lease ( that is , terminate the contract ) on the ground that B had broken his contract .
23 The very idea that we should leave our parental home establishes the fact that this is a new and totally autonomous family unit .
24 We must change our political system to give the citizen more power and the government less ; our economic system to confer power on consumers and to provide employees with a share in the wealth they create ; our public services to guarantee choice and dignity to each of us ; and our education system to equip us better for the modern world .
25 I will let my hon. Friend know the decision when we have made it .
26 DEC says this did n't allow it sufficient time to evaluate the proposals but says it supports all such unified Unix efforts and promises to make its position clear this week .
27 Or did Mr Lawson simply let his natural rudeness get the better of his judgment ?
28 However , if an immediate scan is available then most would advocate its initial use to minimise the risk of coning .
29 The most successful writer who had lived in an English colony was Aphra Behn , who was brought up in Surinam before it was transferred to the Dutch in 1668 , and her most important novel of American life , Oronooko , was so completely sympathetic to the Indian hero that it should be considered as an early contribution to the cult of the noble savage rather than a book which could help its English readers understand the wider world .
30 He proposed to draw up what could be learned of the history of this area , and hoped that the Earl of Northumbria would ask his old men to do the same , when a meeting might be called to their mutual benefit .
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