Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [noun sg] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If I like , I 'll throw my dinner on the floor and put clams in my hair and have tantrums , and … ’
2 IRELAND 'S comprehensive 17–3 demolition of England at Lansdowne Road yesterday will boost their representation on the Lions party to New Zealand later in the year .
3 That should concentrate their mind on the need to give any affected party the opportunity to make submission on any such departure and also to facilitate the communication of the nature of the departure to the affected party .
4 activities are signposted , and every new stage of a lesson is indicated so that learners can focus their attention on the task in hand
5 He was a callous brute , and if she did n't need his protection on the journey to Winchester she would n't care if he bled to …
6 We shall concentrate our attention on the sterling contract .
7 It seems we can now qualify our position on the relationship between dramatic playing and performance modes by saying that although the ultimate intention of the performer is to ‘ describe ’ an emotional event , the quality essential to dramatic playing , the quality of ‘ being ’ may also enter the performance mode , given the Stanislavsky approach .
8 I do not need your input on the subject .
9 How did you enjoy your trip on the canals ? ’
10 She was confident that she could make her mark on the Rummidge Department in three years .
11 ‘ At the very least , ’ it says , ‘ Microsoft must enhance its credibility on the server side to maintain its desktop position . ’
12 The reader will probably object that a hideous primal trauma of parricide and rape is all very well for purposes of explaining the subsequent guilt and neurotic inhibitions of the perpetrators of these ghastly crimes , but can hardly hope to explain how they succeeded in transmitting their new-found superegos to their children , and certainly will not explain how , when all the primal fathers were gone ( a process which may have taken a considerable period of time admittedly , but which must have happened eventually ) , when there were no more primal parricides to be procured , human societies could still construct their civilization on the acquisition of the superego .
13 In these circumstances the treasurer should ensure that the bank 's desire to complete the transaction does not influence its advice on the pricing of the securities .
14 The superintendent 's report asserted that though prostitutes did ply their calling on the common they conducted themselves in an orderly manner , as did large numbers of respectable , well-dressed courting couples who ‘ roamed about the place after dark caressing each other ’ .
15 No I 'm gon na watch my wife on the hillside .
16 At the time I was in the throes of training Dawn and it seemed obvious that I should do my talk on the owl .
17 She stated that a wise woman would choose her mate on the basis of his qualities of character .
18 Even Margaret Thatcher in her prime could not carry her party on the question of Sundays .
19 Any reservations held by librarians have been dispelled , not just because of their confidence in the way the clearinghouses handled the material , but rather because of the realization that free exchange of material can improve their work on the subject .
20 But you can at least monitor their response on the graphic , via the LEDs , but there 's nothing to let you know that a program has been properly saved with the ‘ save ’ button .
21 Sometimes , at the intersections , she comes so close that I can feel her breath on the back of my neck .
22 He had suggested she take up Jessica 's constant offer , considered she could do her revision on the beach or wherever , had smiled comfortably at her half-serious suggestion that Jessica might ‘ lead her astray ’ , or at least have a good go at it .
23 But in the drugs capital of Medilline , the daily killings continue , the drug cartels are reportedly planning a fresh offensive , before the new administration can tighten its grip on the country .
24 Otherwise , the unremitting logic of compound interest will tighten its stranglehold on the economy . ’
25 In most cases , quite fairly , the interviewer will give you feedback on the test .
26 Or you can contact Oxfam UK ( 274 Banbury Road , Oxford , OX2 7DZ ) and get their Cambodia Information Pack which will give you background on the situation and advice on what questions to ask evasive politicians .
27 You can also contact Oxfam UK ( 274 Banbury Road , Oxford , OX2 7DZ ) and get their Cambodia Information Pack which will give you background on the situation and advice on what questions to ask evasive politicians .
28 Wilson received an injury in the third minute , but that did n't hamper his stand on the game .
29 For example , an inductivist might take as his universal criterion the degree of inductive support a theory receives from accepted facts , whilst a falsificationist might base his criterion on the degree of falsifiability of unfalsified theories .
30 Deputy Judge Robert Reid , QC , said he would give his ruling on the application on Wednesday .
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