Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [adv] into the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever type of communication system we use , we can break it down into the following parts : ( a ) a source of information ( b ) a device which converts the information into a suitable form for transmission ( c ) the means of communication ( channel of communication ) itself ( d ) perhaps some form of processing circuit(s) at intervals along the way ( e ) a destination for the signal and its conversion into a suitable form ( which is normally that of the original ) and , finally , ( f ) the receiver of the information .
2 It 's quite a complex manoeuvre and so we 'll break it down into the different parts that changing hands , turning the boat around and changing sides .
3 Er , you will be listened to , er , and that will create , and you will have influence , and that cycle will take you back into the positive memories for the next time you try and change something .
4 It should be appreciated , however , that exactly the same kind of analysis as we shall develop here could be made equally revealingly of practical , everyday communism , Christianity , the apartheid philosophy of white South Africa , l the delusions of the mentally ill , or , as Ernest Gellner so tellingly shows , contemporary linguistic philosophy.2 So while our quest to understand the mysteries of witchcraft may take us deep into the inaccessible jungles of distant continents , we shall regularly encounter disconcertingly familiar images showing how dose to home we really are .
5 And , as a bonus , the pubs stay open so revellers can drink themselves merrily into the new year .
6 While shoot 'em up and take no prisoner-type games may put you firmly into the hand-relief category , other games can be just as telling .
7 Why does n't he put it back into the special credit allowance ?
8 Yep … thanks Chappie … you helped pull us back into the big time and gave us a lot of enjoyment ( even when you fell over when trying to control the ball : - ) .
9 One could almost imagine oneself back into the Middle Ages but for the fact that technology has marched on through the centuries to replace rough-hewn bows of Yew with fibreglass ones , equipped with very advanced sights .
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