Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [adv] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Francis has aggravated an old groin problem in training , and said : ‘ You can count me out for the next two weeks . ’
2 OK , ’ he decided , ‘ Once we get home , a bite of lunch , and I 'll beam you up for a quick one . ’
3 Besides even if they did n't win it again for the next two million years we 'd never hear the end of it .
4 I think you need to go and do something else for a little while I said cos if you keep looking over thinking you ca n't do it , have a break and go back to it afterwards you just get really despondent
5 Well if they come round to ours this year I 'll invite them in I 'll take them to my basement and I 'll lock 'em up for a few days .
6 Assuming that the seller can then re-sell them elsewhere for the same price as the buyer had agreed to pay , the seller will suffer no loss .
7 Their syllabus should include , on a reading list that would hopefully keep them indoors for a long time , the extensive article published in Mountain dealing with the affair .
8 they might keep you in for a longer rest
9 ‘ Rather than selling him , we are about to offer James a new and extended contract which will keep him here for the next two or three years . ’
10 They they something like , and I 'll look it up for the precise wording , that this would be acting like greenbelt .
11 Early last week the Sun apologised for saying he had never had a real job , but in truth a four-year stint as a tutor organiser in industrial and trade unions at the Workers ' Educational Association 25 years ago does not exactly set him up for a glittering new career .
12 ‘ I watch everything I can because I feel this is a tie that could set us up for a good run in Europe , ’ added Creaney .
13 Because terms like highway hypnosis , DWA and DWAM have been used somewhat indiscriminately in the literature previously this thesis will reserve them exclusively for the hypothetical trance-like state which may be a precursor to motorway accidents and use Reason 's term ‘ time-gap experience ’ to refer to this second phenomenon .
14 Say they started on a Monday at two o'clock in the afternoon , he or she will take them away for the first hour and go through some of the main points of their work here .
15 Sometimes the driver comes and takes one group out for half a day , then he 'll take another group out for half a day , or he 'll take them out for a full day 's picnic .
16 Er , you would n't call them in for the petty things .
17 I would recommend them only for the casual observer who wants little apart from views of lunar craters .
18 ‘ Why do n't I take you out for a nice dinner this evening ?
19 what I 'll probably do is take you out for a little while so you can go up and see Annie and all that , next week , not only a
20 I 'd take him along for a veterinary verdict on these possibilities and take it from there .
21 " I 'll take her in — yes , why not — I 'll take her in for a small consideration .
22 ‘ I think , ’ the policeman was saying , ‘ I 'd better take her in for a little talk . ’
23 ‘ You can leave him behind for a few days . ’
24 I said I 'll leave mine out for the bloody bin men before I take it down the tippy .
25 Cost control will serve us well for a single year but it wo n't give us a company that will survive into the next century .
26 Perhaps student life does not prepare anyone adequately for the daily slog of an ordinary job , and after two or three attempts to settle into a career in sales management and even in personnel , she had taken off for America .
27 ‘ I was hoping Kenny could put me up for a few days until I 'd sorted things out with my parents .
28 Yeah , I know he 's admitted it already that does n't mean we 're not gon na get you back for the first time you fucking did it !
29 and it 's just a take on , so I watched what I said , but erm , we mentioned it , we , we did n't see very much about it we just said it 's coming up we 'll have , we 'll let you in for a full details next month so
30 If he insists on calling back , ask him to hold on , and then play a blaring radio down the receiver — that should put him off for a few days .
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