Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [adv] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We will confine ourselves here to the state-owned case , leaving regulation to chapter 5 .
2 We shall confine ourselves here to the statutory requirements which must be observed .
3 Where there is a Compact they will direct you immediately to the appropriate contact .
4 Adam was so extreme ; they really would cart him off to a padded cell one of these days .
5 As of the end of June 1991 at least six of these statutes were undergoing the process of appeal which would almost certainly bring them eventually to the Supreme Court , where any of them could serve as the occasion for the reversal of the 1973 landmark abortion rights ruling , Roe v. Wade .
6 Paul Johnson 's production is a masterwork of clarity and while it does n't quite haul itself up to the avant-garde peaks of Celtic Frost , it hammers off at enough tangents to cover almost all the bases .
7 Paul Johnson 's production is a masterwork of clarity and while it does n't quite haul itself up to the avant-garde peaks of Celtic Frost , it hammers off at enough tangents to cover almost all the bases .
8 I 'd like to just bring you back to the first question you asked , which was how do you define sexual harassment .
9 ‘ Do n't start that nonsense again or they 'll carry you off to the funny farm , ’ Otley said wearily .
10 If she could not get out the train would carry her on to the next station , to London Bridge , it would carry her on under the river .
11 ‘ We must drive out Medoc , we must send him back to the Dark Ireland , and we must seal up the terrible Gateway that he opened before the creatures and the monsters of that Realm flood through it .
12 Do n't bring it over to the first character , leave it exactly where it is .
13 I did take it up with the Attorney-General but he felt he could n't refer it on to the next court .
14 Just ask the porter would you help me carry it over to the next platform .
15 ‘ And I 'll carry it on to the bitter end if that 's what it takes ! ’
16 This feller said , ‘ I did n't alter me beat book ’ , and chief constable said , ‘ All right , we 'll send it over to the Forensic Department . ’
17 If he had hoped that a row might spur him on to a direct , hands on approach to murdering Elinor , Henry was disappointed .
18 ‘ You started this , Brother , so we 'll see it through to the bitter end .
19 Entering the Portal will transport you back to the five doors where you can visit another country and city .
20 Perhaps one final vignette can move us closer to a balanced view of the Hooligan 's weaponry .
21 I 'm not telling you where I am ; you 'll only tell Angus and he 'll tell the police and they 'll take me back to the fucking hospital . ’
22 When you pick up the rec , the , the hands it will actually take you through to the nearest police control room area now , if it 's on the M eleven then most of the calls will go into Chelmsford , our police headquarters , once you cross over the borders and go into Metropolitan area , then that goes up to the Scotland Yard in their control rooms .
23 Erm , can I take you on to the next one which is twelve B two .
24 Why not the luxurious et cetera bath , and let me take you out to a decent dinner ? ’
25 In Holloway they do n't take you out to the ante-natal clinic or get you a scan or nothing ; Styal they do .
26 Dogs can take you directly to a few kilos of heroin welded into the chassis , but they 're not too good at sniffing out a Renoir .
27 ‘ If you come up one by one , without weapons , I 'll take you home to a fair trial in England .
28 It would take him away to a nice , warm mental hospital , where nice men would inject large quantities of Largactil up his bum .
29 And she 'd take him off to the second-hand bookstall which specialized in the politics of the left , or to attend a useful meeting , and stand around with banners .
30 He drove a wide circle out of the car park towards the slip-road that would take him back to the dual carriageway .
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