Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] [pers pn] as [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She says she did want him out of the house , but she did n't want to kill him as a court was going to evict him anyway .
2 The reader should resist the temptation to think of the law as a closed set of rules and principles , and should strive to see it as a setting in which the business of politics and government is carried on .
3 Clearly something strange was happening to the Edwardian Conservative party : but does one need to label it as a flirtation with ‘ proto-Fascism ’ ?
4 He then sees displayed in a shop window , a fur coat priced at £500 , and decides he would like to buy it as a present for his wife .
5 I am not sure whether , as a hostage , you should be allowed near to these people who — although you claim them as relatives — have no cause that I can see to regard you as a friend .
6 However , should the press continue to cover the story , the government will increasingly begin to regard it as a runner . ’
7 Power-hungry people would want to use it as a weapon — which it could very successfully be utilised as — or else as a way of controlling others en masse .
8 As a learner from experience you could decide to view it as a learning opportunity and start to experiment with different ways of running the meeting .
9 ‘ I think I may have heard it as a bedtime story when I was a small child . ’
10 Yet Badcox Lane must have regarded her as a member of their congregation in the widest sense , at least in spirit ; when she died , aged 79 , and was buried at Catherine Hill on 18 May 1826 , the chapel entered the fact in its register .
11 He would have regarded it as a breach of etiquette for a French nobleman to present himself at court in uniform .
12 Believe me , if I had seen her in any other place , I would have dismissed her as a witch from a mummer 's play .
13 ‘ What you put into the business , ’ Daisy said , ‘ you should have treated it as a loan and let me pay you back the capital .
14 But an EastEnders spokesman reckons its a load of blarney : ‘ He must have said it as a joke .
15 I might have felt it as a duty .
16 As for King Arthur , Tolkien might well have seen him as a symptom of English vagueness .
17 For it was not pure ocular seeing , or I should have seen her as a girl of the age which I have now reached .
18 In other words , they may have seen it as a means of safeguarding their referral patterns , which might have been threatened had they been forced to restrict themselves to contracts made by district health authority purchasers .
19 I find myself dipping into my pocket and giving to causes that a decade ago I would have refused to because I would have seen it as the responsibility of the statutory sector .
20 Had All Souls been lost , the Church authorities would undoubtedly have used it as a precedent for arguing that there were some churches which , however important , were simply too difficult or expensive to save .
21 Whether , you know , people might have bought them as a set otherwise .
22 How can I have dreamed it as a six-year-old ?
23 Could you have shifted it as an individual in the right direction ?
24 ‘ I would n't have classed you as a Shakespeare fan , ’ she said quietly , edging her way surreptitiously a foot further along the balustrade .
25 There were obvious inaccuracies in the reports of Chai 's death which , if investigated properly , would have shown it as a case of ‘ manslaughter ’ rather than ‘ murder ’ in my own view .
26 Few people watching the tearful , scruffily-dressed woman burst through the court doors to freedom would have recognised her as a countess .
27 Few people watching the tearful , scruffily dressed woman burst through the court doors to freedom would have recognised her as a countess .
28 And Jonathan would never have recognised her as the girl to whom he had become engaged , the easygoing girl whose only concern had been to have a good time , however much money it took .
29 Her friends back in London would never have recognised her as the Alyssia Stanley who had dozens of men trailing behind her , and who toyed with them but only for as long as it suited her .
30 Charity should have recognised it as the calm before the storm , but she did n't .
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