Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] [pers pn] in [art] first " in BNC.

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1 I 'd like to see them in the first division .
2 It should be remembered that recovery is a process of improving perception and is not merely an intellectual process : if sufferers could fully see and understand what they were doing to themselves , they would not have done it in the first place .
3 GUIL : But if he gave it to me there 's no reason why you should have had it in the first place , in which case I do n't see what all the fuss is about you not having it .
4 Sir Kenneth Newman , to whom the report was presented , candidly admitted he would not have commissioned it in the first place ( it was commissioned by his predecessor , Sir David McNee ) , while the official Police Federation magazine ( Police , December 1983 ) concluded in an editorial :
5 As the shop manager pointed out , it was the third time that month she 'd been late for work , and if they had n't needed her to turn up on time , they would n't have hired her in the first place .
6 I should n't have took it in the first place .
7 This section of the book is designed to help you come to terms with your deepest emotions and the people or events which may have caused them in the first place .
8 It was also one of the most economical , which was why Kolchinsky would have purchased it in the first place .
9 Why bother to do it in the first place ?
10 ‘ In that case , ’ retorted Geoffrey , ‘ why did he agree to see him in the first place ? ’
11 ‘ Why did you agree to meet her in the first place ? ’
12 now lets hear three cheers for Gloucester rugby club … on Saturday they won at London Irish in the league … a victory that could help keep them in the first division
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