Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] [pers pn] [conj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But I 've told Leeds I would prefer delaying it until after the World Cup final , especially with the Aussies playing three warm-up games in England . ’
2 She told herself that if she did not look up she would not need to see it and after a while this not-looking would become habitual , but in the event she could not prevent her eyes from turning up to the campanile .
3 Tried to cross the nighted ferry ; might 've made it but for a district-nurse calling unexpectedly . ’
4 ‘ You could 've told me that inside the room , not drag me out here , ’ Duncan replied , irritated by the policeman 's need for secrecy .
5 That did n't happen , but Hirst did set up one of the great matches of the season — and he would have won it but for a superb Peter Schmeichel save at 3-2 .
6 I know because many years ago I happened to be in the right place , in the ambulance I was driving at the right time and was able to e effect a rescue of an old woman from her smoke filled house at Burstill Ten minutes later I could not have done it because of the smoke .
7 The county might have made it but for a dislocated shoulder suffered by second string Barry Hutchinson ( Stockton Racecourse ) .
8 Rain felt a surge of annoyance : Shildon could have told her that on the telephone and not wasted part of her evening .
9 He might have told her that in the United States for over a decade now , the journals and magazines and guide-to-life books , aided and abetted by manufacturers , traders , and advertisers , had sung the song of the perfect home and the perfect homemaker .
10 ‘ You could have told me that at the very beginning , and put a stop to the whole thing right then .
11 Unlike Mr Major , Mr Hurd is an experienced former diplomat and a Foreign Office Minister of State who has sounded made-for-the-job since day one , which is why he would probably not have got it but for the Lawson affair .
12 Unlike Mr Major , Mr Hurd is an experienced former diplomat and a Foreign Office Minister of State who has sounded made-for-the-job since day one , which is why he would probably not have got it but for the Lawson affair .
13 THE SEABOARD IS a little less Eastern than you might have remembered it but to the enterprising Americans this is not a problem .
14 ‘ Could n't you have left it till after the show ? ’ demanded the dark woman .
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