Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] [pers pn] [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You may also need to help her to transfer to the list of your own general practitioner , if she and he are both agreeable to this ; and of course she must be assured that you , or some other member of the family will be with her on the actual day of the move or , if she wishes , take the responsibility of it off her shoulders completely .
2 Move one of the program group boxes off the edge of the screen and scroll bars will appear allowing you to scroll through the full area of the desktop .
3 An abundance of sunbeds around the most spectacular pool you 'll ever see beckon you to unwind with the gentle lapping of the sea as background music .
4 I would like to invite you to apply for a very different and distinctive credit card .
5 When this was unsuccessful it would look around the cage where there was a long stick and suddenly it would decide to use it to rake in the fruit .
6 In an attempt to " depoliticize " the role of the police , de Klerk on Jan. 17 , 1990 , told 500 police in Pretoria that the government would " stop asking you to fight in the front trenches in political battles " , and said that henceforth police would " not be required to prevent people from marching to gain support for their views " ; instead police should concentrate on combating crime .
7 September 10th was the Saturday following Heather 's visit to Oxford and thus just when Harry would have expected her to proceed to the Skein of Geese .
8 Political honours are either an almost contemptuous gesture towards those who have kept silent when their consciences might have told them to vote against a government bill , or a reward for money or advice .
9 It should have calmed her , gazing down at the burbling river , should have helped her to think about the problem uppermost in her mind ; but it was impossible to concentrate , knowing that he was close by .
10 Mr Hull specialised in young contemporary British artists and had no training , experience or knowledge which would have enabled him to conclude from an examination of the pictures whether they were by Munter .
11 In addition to alerting subjects to the fact that the experiment was concerned with subjective risk , this may have caused them to attend to the stimuli in ways which unnaturally stressed risk-related aspects of the situations .
12 It is even possible that now and again an extra long detour may have caused us to walk below the windows of Braemar Mansions ( ‘ not mansions , ’ wrote Ivy , ‘ but converted out of houses ’ ) , little knowing that there sat the sibyl who would completely have understood all our troubles .
13 ‘ We would have converted it to run off the engine , but the trouble is that if the engine broke down , you would n't be able to get the bonnet up to look at it ! ’
14 ‘ In our view , a proper analysis of the risks attached to the project would have allowed it to proceed with a greater appreciation of likely achievement . ’
15 I told myself he might have meant us to meet at the Festival , so I went along there and searched for him in the crowd . ’
16 I should have left you to look like a wally .
17 ‘ Pray do not attempt to move me to pity by a tale of innocence and woe , Warren .
18 So I said , well we would have liked you to come to the full erm onty I said , but , unfortunately we were in a a very awkward position .
19 Do you want ask you to sit in the other chair ?
20 Right , okay I think that 's probably er about it we 'll leave it there , if you come out of Microfit do n't forget to tell it to log off the network .
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