Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 Do you want to talk to me about that in the tutorial first or would that be ?
2 He says do n't you dare come near me with that silly spray .
3 ‘ Do n't you dare speak to me like that , Agnes .
4 ‘ You lout , do n't dare speak to me like that . ’
5 I 'll feel good inside me 'cos she should n't dare to talk to me like that 'cos I 've never said to 'er noffink like that , you know .
6 No , but if the hon. Gentleman has views that he would like to express to me on that closure , I should be delighted to hear from him .
7 An influential politician would command patronage , although one did n't like to think of it like that .
8 We ca n't keep imposing on him for that amount though really .
9 You stand still and listen to what I 've got to say , and if you do n't stop looking at me like that I 'll hit you over the head with this . "
10 When Hullmandel published his treatise The Art of Drawing on Stone in 1824 , the possibilities of lithography were better advertised ( although Hullmandel was careful not to describe the actual printing process , so that artists would have to come to him for that service ) , and Lear was one of the very first to be attracted to the technique .
11 No well I would n't have looked at them from that , from the point of view of
12 I mean , we have a special relationship , and I was hoping that he would have talked with you about that .
13 You did n't have to glare at me like that . ’
14 However I must have played with it for that tool set led to Dad 's most embarrassing moment — something which he never ever let me forget .
15 Imagine what those bitches might put on the end of that piston rod in place of a dildo , what agonising liquid they could have squirted into you by that pressure pump .
16 But you do n't get rid of me like that .
17 She could still hear her mother 's voice saying , ‘ Do n't sit looking at me like that , child ; say something . ’
18 I mean how can you justify talking to her about that when the efficiency is improved since she has n't been talking to people ?
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