Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] [pron] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Allied politicians lacked understanding , and yet they did not hesitate to place a barrier to Germany 's growth , and having placed that barrier , did not think to support it effectively in the years to come .
2 ‘ I do n't want to meet them again in a hurry .
3 And , no doubt , if ever John Hall discovers the identity of the anonymous benefactor who spilt the beans , he will want to shake him warmly by the hand and offer him thanks on behalf of his club and the good of all in English rugby .
4 As the young owls had fledged , he said that we might expect to find them anywhere in the area , and that the best idea was for us to fan out and scan the branches .
5 They behave similarly should a man appear carrying anything remotely like a gun ( for example , a cricket bat , a length of scaffolding or an umbrella ) .
6 The only thing that you can really do to take yourself forwards in a shift situation is your scheduling for the following week .
7 I 'll propose Emily 's report and , and in doing so I 'd like to say thank you to her for her sterling work this year , I think she 's done a terrific job erm and I 'd like to thank her personally for the help she 's given me over the year .
8 Oh yes , I was told , providing we did n't mind tucking ourselves away in a converted cow shed .
9 ‘ I should like to see you alone for a moment , Caroline , if you please . ’
10 Although the musical ascendancy of Italy did not begin to assert itself immediately after the deaths of Josquin and Isaac and their great contemporaries , Pierre de La Rue and Loyset Compere , its foundations were already laid .
11 Cos the we er did get people contacting the office to say I 've got a lump sum , I 'd like to put it somewhere for a couple of years , and er we always wondered why they 're thinking of a couple of years .
12 Please do not hesitate to contact me here at the above number if you have any other queries or concerns .
13 ‘ I do n't like having anyone else in the cockpit while I 'm driving , ’ she said , ‘ that 's all . ’
14 among anthropologists and among philosophers but I dare say that most readers of this book would like to situate themselves somewhere on the Epicurean side of the fence ; so would I , but the intellectual difficulties which flow from that position are very great .
15 ‘ It 's taken me 10 years to grow them this long so I do n't like hiding them completely under a hat . ’
16 Such a suggestion could never be made about Steve Mungall , who seeks out the heart of the action with such relish that you wonder how his 34-year-old legs can keep carrying him forward like a 24-year-old .
17 Er and I 'd like to introduce you briefly to the company .
18 In a few moments I 'd like to tell you briefly about the trading background to the figures and to give you an indication of how business has been since the period ended and particularly since our important sale started on Boxing Day .
19 I do n't want to do something just for the sake of it , I do n't really care about being on the Council , it 's just that I wanted to do something about those wretched caravans .
20 We have already mapped out our route but we do n't want to give anything away to the others . ’
21 ‘ I would n't want to ride anything else in the Champion after this performance , ’ he said .
22 You do n't have to gather them together in a group in order for that to be a successful piece of creative activity . ’
23 ‘ You 'd have heard him all over the shop , ’ he said , ‘ and he came off the phone complaining that he 'd just lost 40,000 .
24 If anything could have frightened us away from the proposition it would have been the failure of the Leader of the Opposition to advance a sensible argument on anything at all .
25 Unfortunately , I could n't have explained it clearly to the dog .
26 Whether control of these facilities by the CPSU fulfilled this requirement is debatable , but before we jump to the conclusion that we could not have expected anything else from the Soviet system , consider the chequered history of the First Amendment to the United States constitution , which reads inter alia : ‘ congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech . ’
27 Is it possible , ’ wondered the earl , appealing deferentially to Prior Robert 's more profound instruction in things holy , ‘ that for some beneficent purpose of her own she may have transferred herself miraculously from the place where she was laid ?
28 You must have disturbed them right in the act . "
29 Judging by the many Figures covered by the first letter of the alphabet — fifty-eight at the beginning — it can be appreciated that Miller had been justly advised ; such expansion throughout the work would have priced it far outside the purse of the ‘ generality ’ if , indeed , it could have been completed in his lifetime .
30 I think Davison would have done it easily in the promotion year but he got injured … apart from that ( altho did nt Ray Hankin score 20 in about 79 ? )
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