Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] [pron] [prep] the end " in BNC.

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1 In short , they should establish the kind of position in which they would wish to see themselves at the end of that period .
2 Southend could and should have won it near the end when once again the Town defence got itself in a tangle …
3 Southend could and should have won it near the end when once again the Town defence got itself in a tangle …
4 We could even have pinched it in the end . ’
5 She loved to play like that , but she 'd have told me in the end , exploding with laughter at my angry duped expression .
6 Do I have to do it to the end ?
7 As the head of Cedars was making his entry list for September already , and would have to submit it by the end of the week , the educational psychologist was going to request a place for Balbinder before Statementing him .
8 Erm , and we 've had , I 'm afraid to give protective notice to six members of staff , it 's about er , discussions with the erm , Tech , are not successful , then they will have to leave us at the end of this programme year , which is the thirty-first of March .
9 ‘ His indifference pushed her to the edge whereas he could have romanced her to the end of the world .
10 but that first weeks messages you did n't have to pay them till the end of the quarter , which meant that people went in and bought things that week , they never bought you know ?
11 Yeah , it 's the , it 's the with the word natural is n't it that er you know people often use the word natural to mean good and right and therefore something you should do , but of course no not always I mean if I said to you death is natural , nobody here would think I was advocating suicide or that er we should n't have hospitals to try and save people 's lives I mean er when you say death is natural , what you mean is death is one of those things that we just have to put up with , we 'd rather we did n't but we 're all gon na have to face it in the end , some of us sooner than others er but erm but there we are .
12 When we settled down we played some tremendous football and maybe should have sneaked it in the end .
13 Because the way he was wiring them to start with , would have killed somebody in the end .
14 ‘ Although I love traditional British desserts such as jam sponge , I can never manage to eat them at the end of a three-course meal , ’ Clayton says .
15 ‘ I was sure she 'd come to love me in the end , if I could just be patient , ’ she whispered .
16 No doubt we shall , once again , want to join them in the end .
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