Example sentences of "[vb infin] [noun] [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The County Council also accepted as part of this oral approach that there was a need for an alteration to the structure plan , because the approved structure plan did not make provision for a new settlement as an element of approved North Yorkshire strategic policy , and we 've progressed that erm alteration through to the examination er in public er today .
2 ‘ You must regard exams as a joint problem you must solve together .
3 Systematic sampling of West German voters carried out in 1979–80 indicated that 13 per cent of all voters in the Federal Republic had a consolidated extreme rightist ‘ world view ’ ; 14 per cent responded positively to the statement that ‘ we should again have a Leader who would rule Germany with a strong hand for the good of all ’ .
4 Additional question : " Do you agree that Uzbekistan should remain part of a renewed union ( federation ) as an equal sovereign republic ? "
5 ‘ If you want to borrow or lend money on a rolling settlement basis we can bundle it in with the service .
6 You will need support from a trained counsellor at either a voluntary organisation like The Terrence Higgins Trust or a sexually transmitted disease clinic , in order to make a good informed decision .
7 Consequently , they propose a policy more akin to that of the US and based on rules which would automatically forbid mergers above a given size .
8 We will consider proposals for a new system of rebates to come into effect from April 1996 with the aim of ensuring that personal pensions remain attractive across the age range .
9 Proof indeed that the Prehen youth policy might soon yield rewards at a higher level .
10 Foreign involvement in US carriers , Mr Skinner argued recently , could compromise response to a national emergency .
11 Providing something that is high on most corporate users ' wish lists , Hewlett-Packard Co has come up with an SQL-based interface that can read and update data in a non-relational network database , and reckons it is the first vendor to do so .
12 Naturally , the brighter the white , the more it will suit pictures with a modern style , so consider choosing at least an off-white , if not a cream , for pictures with an antique flavour .
13 His typical working week would be short indeed if he did not consider Saturday as a normal working day — but was it ?
14 Sutton-born Geoff Chilvers had been with the Palace as a Junior in the early days of the 2nd World War and had appeared at Selhurst Park in an interesting schoolboy game that was used as an experiment with numbered players , but his extraordinary claim to footballing fame , which will delight fans with a statistical quirk in their nature , is that he made his debut with a League club as a 16-year-old in a match where his side scored double figures .
15 ‘ Ah , go on , Mam , you 'd need tea on a bad day like this , ’ Patsy said encouragingly .
16 The fact that we have bombed Iraq , a rather small Third World country , back into the 19th century or even earlier ; the likelihood of continuing violence in the Middle East ; the probable Lebanisation of Iraq and Kuwait the increasing difficulty in finding a solution to the Palestinian problem ; the increased threat of terrorism ; the erosion of democracy — all these issues will stimulate opposition to a long-term North-South confrontation .
17 Furthermore an exhaustive lexicon of words may include words outside a normal user 's vocabulary .
18 Elderly people with mental impairment who can no longer manage their own affairs may need assistance from a social worker in protecting their finances by consultation with the Court of Protection , under the Mental Health Act 1983 .
19 Let us consider watercress as a typical example of how easy it is to be deceived .
20 If the trouble spreads far enough and he thinks he can buy peace with a cheap loaf of bread then I should think he will .
21 And because 59% of men regret divorce ( but only 29% of women ) , it seems that men do n't recognise marriage as a good thing when they have it .
22 You should always buy potatoes from a reputable supplier .
23 For example , a highly motivating task , or a familiar and easily recognised context , might prompt a ‘ common sense ’ , pragmatic solution ; a mathematical context might stimulate recall of a standard procedure , and a threatening context might be avoided .
24 You must consider exercise as a top priority for the future .
25 Seats* Percentage Proportional Constituency Total of vote** representation seats BSP 47.15 97 114 211 UDF 37.84 75 69 144 BZNS 8.03 16 0 16 MRF 6.03 12 11 23 Fatherland Union *** 0 2 2 BSDP 0.05 0 1 1 Fatherland Party of Labour *** 0 1 1 Independents *** 0 2 2 Others 0.90 0 0 0 Total 200 200 400 *Only parties receiving at least 4 per cent of valid votes in all multi-member constituencies could win seats on a proportional basis ( although other parties could and did win direct election ) .
26 A senior member of the Donegal executive of the Irish Farmers Association told farmers that they should only buy diesel from a legitimate source .
27 The objectives of the Network do not include distribution of a large volume of third party sell situations , although some involvement in them may be a necessary feature of certain domestic M&A marketplaces .
28 And at the end of the day these will need summation in a single document .
29 ‘ We can not win consent to a technocratic solution .
30 In time of special and genuine difficulty the Council will of course be prepared to extend the period for submitting applications but bodies must seek approval for a late application no later than the time when the application normally would be due .
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