Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ( 2 ) At or after the preliminary appointment if there be one , the arbitrator shall fix a date for the dispute to be heard ( unless the parties consent to his deciding it on the statements and documents submitted to him — an unusual course not usually acceptable to the parties or the district judge ) and he shall give such directions regarding the steps to be taken before and at the hearing as may appear to him to be necessary or desirable .
2 If it does , it would appear to us to be another black hole that formed and then evaporated .
3 Some mannerisms may not be of great use to the interviewer in assessing your character but they may work against you by being irritating .
4 This time it did n't occur to me to be frightened .
5 I 'd hate for him to be stuck up there for last week in March
6 Oh well , would n't go to him to be honest
7 That would seem to me to be contrary to government guidance and the wording needs tidying up to reflect that if that is not what is actually meant by the revision and by the wording of the policy .
8 Having eight men from outside the continent in a race did not seem to me to be good business .
9 Well , there 's not much , there does n't seem to me to be much point in in having pink forms to go into pink files if there are pink forms that do n't go into pink files .
10 The suggested analogies relied on with ecclesiastical courts and military courts which apply wholly distinct areas of law do not seem to me to be helpful or valid .
11 Wishing My Lords to understand what exactly is the law which we now seek to amend , there does n't seem to me to be all that er elaborate a precaution .
12 ( 2 ) Since the cases before the court are concerned with the taking up of fishing activities by nationals of a member state and the pursuit of those activities in another member state using a vessel registered in that state , article 59 of the E.E.C Treaty on freedom to provide services , which was raised by the Spanish Government , does not seem to me to be applicable .
13 through great swathes of the public sector does not seem to me to be half-baked .
14 Well the lowest figure , erm we 've already got a level of commitment , we have to have three thousand de-allocations if that was the case , that does not seem to me to be correct .
15 That does seem to me to be important . ’
16 And some of the things you do seem to me to be inefficient , and consequently rather a waste of energy .
17 I was thinking that perhaps you could arrange for me to be one of the team .
18 So , it was like a relief that I could talk to him about being pregnant .
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