Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] at [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This review process needs to be carried out on a fairly regular basis , perhaps every six months , and it should include looking at the current state of the market to see if there are any new developments that can be applied .
2 Or just too tired to do anything but enjoy looking at the pretty lady .
3 He did not need to look at the single shelf of books to know they would have titles like A Pilot 's War Memoirs or Regiments of the Burma Campaign .
4 Of Charles Hutton : ‘ For the accommodation of such gentlemen and ladies as do n't choose to appear at the public school , I propose ( at vacant hours ) to attend them in their own apartments . ’
5 He was n't happy , but could only agree when I said I was sure that he would n't want to look at a naked man .
6 ‘ I do n't want to think about that , I do n't want to look at the actual scene , I 've got over it , have n't I ? … the way she died … and all that went before .
7 Do n't torture yourself with feelings of inadequacy because you ca n't even begin to guess at the correct pronunciation of Abhainn Coire Mhic Nobuil .
8 At a running start you should plan to start at the downwind end .
9 For example , a centred heading above justified text would become blocked at the left-hand margin if Alt+P was applied to it as well as to the text below .
10 Not only are peak users paying for the high marginal costs they impose , but also those users who would not mind consuming at a different time ( e.g. households with night storage heaters , who can use electricity at a time when marginal costs are low ) are induced by cheaper prices to switch to consuming at off-peak times .
11 You should begin exercising at the correct pace .
12 At the second attempt she made the connection and heard the telephone begin to ring at the other end .
13 This latest exhibition is not merely an update of the one many will remember visiting at the Royal Academy in 1979 , but a transformation .
14 But why stop to wonder at the very point where cause for wonder really begins ?
15 At her side , introducing her to people , encouraging her to elaborate on some of her ideas for the future , Luke was urbane , expressing only suave approval , and no one could have guessed at the personal contempt he felt for her , not a hint of it — or anything else personal either — allowed to show through his sophisticated public manner .
16 Why , d' ya get , do you have to retire at a certain time ?
17 She would never be a great beauty , he knew , but she had a natural charm and personality that lent an extra depth to her character , and he imagined that this would have been how his mother would have looked at a similar age .
18 He stepped away from her and she could have wept at the cold desolation that closed round her .
19 Just once , as the waves came up over her feet , she hesitated and gave a short gasp , as anyone might have done at the sudden cold .
20 I said , if you 'd have said what you should have said at the bloody tribunal .
21 She was walking too quickly , stumbling occasionally , past long belts like dressing-gown cords hanging from poles , which plucked at her face as she pushed through , straying over a pile of new dyed wool , brilliant and damp , into a glare of sunlight , stepping back from a mule loaded with carpets , bumping into a wall where blue thread ran along from a spinning wheel , guarded from tangling by small boys who pushed at her and muttered and laughed ; she would have grasped at the thin thread to lead her out .
22 I think I should have stayed at the old school where they had confidence in me .
23 Early in 1971 Waddell was found guilty of committing perjury at Meehan 's trial and in sentencing him to three years ' imprisonment Lord Cameron suggested that had he told the truth there , the Meehan jury might well have arrived at a different verdict .
24 Had more companies been honest with themselves a dividend passed completely would have been better and then a new base could have set at a suitable level .
25 Even if there were such a description it would be difficult to imagine the number of working years it would take to arrive at a complete frequency description of a novel , let alone " the language as a whole " .
26 However , it is difficult to believe that sufficient quantities of suitable substances could have appeared at the Cytherean surface to mop up anywhere near the amount of oxygen that would be liberated from an Earth-like quantity of water .
27 Well I think we 'll have to re-look at the whole question of village envelopes in certain cases , where it is decided that low cost housing is desirable , and see if in some way , they can encourage the farmer to make land available so that he can make some money which he badly needs at the moment , as agriculture 's going through one of the biggest depressions it 's been through for years .
28 ( A planetesimal is a small , solid celestial body that may have existed at an early stage of the development of the solar system . )
29 My Lords , section 87 does not stipulate that the successor must have resided at a particular house for 12 months but only that he should have resided with the deceased tenant for that period .
30 Employees may try working at the new location for a short time and then decide not to continue .
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