Example sentences of "[is] [not/n't] [adv] [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For example , speculative development of unit factories , offices and other premises suitable for small firms is not normally a planning matter : ‘ it is for market forces to determine whether there is a demand for such premises ’ .
2 John Patten , counting his blessings that he is not yet a Treasury Minister , opted to avoid the economy altogether and put his faith in education , as befits an Oxford fellow .
3 Malcolm , out to prove that he is not yet a Test has-been , quickly worked up a rare pace and was quite a handful , coming in with the pavilion behind him .
4 A change for the better , for now the Japanese can concentrate on the new industries of Computers and Lasers where , because there is not yet the world competition as in radios and televisions , they can recover better margins making their industries more wealth-creating .
5 IBM said although the VR tool kit is not yet an IBM product , it believes a related type of package could be priced competitively with similar products on the market .
6 When a tenant who is not already a council tenant applies for a council house , the local authority , before granting a secure tenancy finds out whether the council house will be occupied by the tenant alone or whether the council house will become the joint home of the tenant and a member of the tenant 's family who has been residing with the tenant .
7 It is not even a hair cut .
8 Now this is not strictly a soul food recipe , but since Philadelphia is my home town and my family has eaten its way through tons of this , I always think of it as northern soul food .
9 Waterside — A Pictorial Past , is not strictly an aeroplane book , concentrating more on the history of the parishes of Calshot , Fawley , Hythe and the surrounding areas .
10 There is therefore little or no scope for the clearing member who is not also a market member .
11 A Feminist Dictionary , compiled by Cheris Kramarae and Paula Treichler , is not just a nonsexist version of the standard dictionary , but an attempt to break down the monolithic authority of dictionaries in general .
12 How are you going to ensure that Care in the Community is not just a pipe dream ?
13 This is not just a publishing fad .
14 The project is not just a building restoration but a spiritual challenge and journey of faith that is exciting .
15 People have begun to notice that the biosphere is not just a theme park to take the children to on Saturday afternoon but a very necessary thing for human survival .
16 Perhaps they should recognise that the countryside is not just a theme park where everything is nice , woolly and furry , but that real combat occurs between animals .
17 Inspiringly , this is not just a filler LP , it 's another insight into the Megas all-round durability .
18 However , the A.S.M. is not just a fund raising adjunct to the College .
19 ‘ This is not just a ward issue , people are worried about it across the town .
20 ‘ Keeping in shape is not just a youth thing , ’ a Pan spokeswoman tells me .
21 Punctuality is not just a drama school fetish , it 's preparation for a profession where time really does cost money .
22 Folk dancing is not just a tourist attraction : it is popular amongst all Madeirans , whatever their social background and they start at a very early age to learn the dance steps .
23 This is not just a party trick .
24 This is not just a media point , because producing commercials is a very expensive business .
25 He needs to feel worth something to other people and perhaps even feel dominant , ( though protecting Lennie is not just an ego trip ) .
26 But it is not just the fertilizer side which is developing the business with marketing innovation .
27 It is not just the Sunday League , but Boys ’ Brigade and Scouts who will also be affected . ’
28 The film is not primarily a combat movie : no attempt is made to fully identify the kind of unit the protagonists are attached to , nor is there any attempt to locate the central act in time or place .
29 The Sari , however , is not primarily an initiation ceremony ; for it will be held by a great ruwang and his wife ( the ruwahu ) regardless of whether there are boys of appropriate age for initiation .
30 There were many interesting features about this project , not least that it was funded not by the British Library but the Government 's Department of Environment — an indicator of the recognition that information use is not simply a library problem .
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