Example sentences of "[is] [not/n't] [adv] [noun] 's [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Here then , it is not only Trapnel 's voice which is directed by God , but also the voices of the multitude .
2 So it is not only Earth 's distance from the Sun that is important for living things , but the way the solid parts of the Earth are spread across the globe .
3 The exaltation of Jesus to the Father 's right hand is not only God 's vindication of his spreading from Jerusalem person and his achievement ; it is the precondition of the coming of his Spirit upon the witnesses who are to carry on his mission ( Acts 2:32f ) .
4 They need cars to take folk to hospital or help wheel people out — it 's not just women 's work , you know , all that . ’
5 I know he 's not exactly God 's gift to forensic science , but he 's a conscientious plodder and you 're not going to stimulate either his brain or his speed by bullying the poor little beast .
6 It 's not usually Violet 's style to shout support for Lennox but this time , just seconds into the fight so many feared her son could not win , she found herself shouting louder even than ‘ Raizure 's ’ girls .
7 And it is n't just Porfiry 's trick .
8 ‘ But it is n't entirely Craig 's money , you know , a substantial part of it will be mine once my father 's estate is sorted out properly . ‘
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