Example sentences of "[is] [vb pp] [adv prt] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The log is filled in every day by protection officers detailing their duties .
2 Police believe he 's the so-called ’ Fishermead rapist ’ , who 's carried out a series of attacks on the Fishermead estate .
3 Police are stepping up their hunt for a man who 's carried out a series of sexual attacks on women in the last seven months .
4 Police belive he 's the so-called Fishermead rapist , who 's carried out a series of attacks on and around the Fishermead Estate .
5 Sometimes xerolas ( vegetables and/or fruits , often in the shape of a gigantic ball and strung on a pole which is carried on the shoulders of two men ) are carried in the procession .
6 The west façade , flanked by two towers , is approached up a flight of steep steps into a magnificent , open narthex ( 1178 ) where is situated the west portal .
7 The surface of the Earth is made up a number of plates , and these move relative to each other .
8 Anyway , he sees this fat cunt with some of his mates with some tea — and he 's moved along a bit to the end and he 's pissing down and out through the open bit and its all blowing down on these cunts ’ heads and into their
9 A weight is hung on the end of a wire of known diameter and its change in length measured .
10 He 's drawn up a route for a walk to the South Pole … of Mars , that is .
11 He 's bought up a lot of small UK firms in the past , mostly to close them down ; been the subject of a question in the House .
12 There Is a vast backdrop-like painting — 200 feet long by twelve feet high — against which is set up an array of further paintings , drawings and sculptures , some of which incorporate scientific writing .
13 He 's set up a meeting for tomorrow with his financial boys , and I get the impression he 's very keen , but it 's all down to what he wants for the equity investment and how much I 'm prepared to give him . ’
14 This hope is brought in the person of Jesus , descendent of David , born of Mary .
15 They let off frequent bursts of fire into the air to remind everyone that the only law in Somalia is administered down the barrel of a gun .
16 So support composite eight , composite ten , motion two seven eight and motion two eight three with that qualification , emergency motion number two and let's campaign for any effective policy for jobs and recovery and not this nonsense that is served up every week from this silly government .
17 The CCU-CLC is split down the centre over the CGTC dispute .
18 What you do n't want to do is run up an overdraft in the hope no one will notice .
19 Though Daisy 's tightened up the rules at the Cattery — did I show you her new brochure ? ’
20 Once all the steam is condensed a vacuum is formed under the piston and the piston is forced down the cylinder by steam from the boiler .
21 Tony Asmar 's lined up a couple of people in Beirut to shoot some pictures for us near the airport .
22 Later this month , Anna 's taking her cabaret act to Cyprus to entertain the Army and the Magic Circle 's lined up a number of shows in London for when she returns .
23 She 's switched on the radio for the traffic update .
24 ‘ He 's put up a reward for Mahoney 's killer .
25 When a fibreoptic bronchoscope is passed down the tube of the laryngeal mask a dynamic view of the vocal cords is possible in most patients .
26 Being a property tax — there is not now any contention between the two main parties about that — we can either tax the kind of house and say , for example , that all three-bedroom properties shall be taxed the same , in which case my hon. Friends should be aware that we would soon have tremendous anomalies as the same tax is placed on a Mayfair flat as is put on a flat in a mining village , or we can have regional banding , and then there must be boundaries between regions .
27 Partly for this reason and partly because of the inherent complexity the partnership agreement itself will rarely include ( at any rate in its main body ) a breakdown of the chosen management structures in full detail , though where a decision is taken on a matter of principle ( eg what matters require the unanimous approval of the partners , how a senior partner should be chosen , etc ) the partnership agreement is the logical place for it to be recorded .
28 It may be easier to make long-term decisions about the best size and type of steel mill if a simultaneous decision is taken on the level of car production to which steel output forms an important input .
29 Once a Bill has passed its Commons ' stage it goes up to the House of Lords where the same process is repeated , except that the Committee stage is taken on the floor of the House .
30 A more definitive response to him must await the time which will probably arrive when the clergy ordination measure is taken on the Floor of the House .
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