Example sentences of "[is] [vb pp] [prep] [art] second [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is compounded by a second problem .
2 In John Pope-Hennessey 's 1965 catalogue of the Kress Collection it is assigned to the second quarter of the sixteenth century
3 Policy towards policing is examined in the second section .
4 The effect of this on the energy spectrum is contained in the second term of eqn ( 20.7 ) ; i.e. one expects the transfer of energy to be primarily from low wavenumbers to high .
5 Sampling is expected in the second half of next year with volume following in early 1994 .
6 The first product to come from the alliance is expected in the second quarter of 1994 , and is intended to form a base on which network operators can develop specific software applications .
7 Perhaps the rationalisation the person devises for coping with the first loss is shattered by the second loss .
8 The explanation that is usually given as to why we do n't see broken cups gathering themselves together off the floor and jumping back onto the table is that it is forbidden by the second law of thermodynamics .
9 It seems reasonable to suggest that the natural theme we is omitted in the second sentence in order to foreground the rheme .
10 A similar procedure is adopted for the second objective , imposing the constraint that it should not drop below whichever is the smaller of its optimal value and its goal .
11 Gai-jin is presented as the second volume in a four-part Japanese saga that began with Shogun ; it also refers to the worlds of Tai-pan , which was about the founding of Hong Kong , and of Noble House , which was set in Hong Kong in 1962 .
12 More use of open ended case studies is made from the second year onwards and the subjects have been unified under broad themes rather than treated as separate subjects .
13 This is then used to formulate a specific data search which is transmitted to the second site .
14 Whatever response is formed , is fed into a second round of sharing , this time with the whole group in stage 3 .
15 This information is fed into the second tier of the process , the MEC .
16 When the sample is completely molten the dilatometer is transferred to a second thermostat set at the temperature selected for crystallization to take place and allowed to equilibrate .
17 Part of the proceeds of a Credit is transferred to a second beneficiary ( or to more than one second beneficiary ) who presents his documents to the advising bank whereupon the first beneficiary substitutes his invoices and claims a larger amount thus ensuring he receives his share of the proceeds .
18 This average is related to the second moment of the distribution by the equation .
19 Now , whatever is written by the second child you write under it the figure which will make the sum of both up to nine .
20 The critique of positivist ‘ identity-thinking ’ is connected with a second way in which the Frankfurt School diverges from positivism .
21 I retrace my steps and walk up the righthand arm of the T , where the roadway is closed by a second set of iron gates .
22 We come now to a full post-production assemble edit in which the camera-original material is completely re-arranged as it is copied onto a second tape .
23 Duration : the course is offered from the second half of June to the middle of August .
24 The effect is shown on the second swatch .
25 This is shown in the second row .
26 Menlo Park California-based Network General Corp is offering another system for its Sniffer Network Analyser : a new version will run on the Toshiba Corp T6400/DX2 colour portable running at 50MHz ; currently the new implementation supports only Ethernet , but Token Ring support is promised for the second quarter ; the move looks as if it has been caused by the chronic shortage of the Compaq Computer Corp machines that form the basis for the existing Sniffer systems .
27 Where peroxidase-labelled antibody is used as a second layer the peroxidase activity is revealed using the method of Graham and Karnovsky ( 49 ) .
28 When the interceptor gets close to its target , it is used as a second radar receiver .
29 But if secular is used in the second sense , as meaning the abandonment of religion , it is obviously the enemy of religion .
30 This is envisaged in the second column of Schedule 1 of the standard sale agreement ( see Appendix III ) .
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