Example sentences of "[is] [v-ing] [adv prt] [prep] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Hewlett-Packard Co is well ahead of the pack in fitting out its Unix machines with the kind of operations management systems that mainframe users expect , but Sun Microsystems Computer Corp is galloping off down the same path and has gone to Legent Corp for an agreement under which Legent will convert Legent 's system management tools to run on Sparcsystems under Solaris Unix .
2 It 's picking up onto the same list is it ?
3 End date it 's picking up off the same list .
4 The south-east of England , for example , is sinking by about the same rate as the water is rising — about 15 cm a century .
5 Concentration has nothing to do with gritting your teeth and braving it out ; it 's the secret of being more and more relaxed and aware of everything that is going on at the same time .
6 There is coming out with the same old thing again .
7 I 'd actually like to use a bit of stereo on the next album , because it 's so hard to keep any kind of clarity in mono — everything 's coming out of the same speaker .
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