Example sentences of "[is] [adj] [conj] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's the second new shop front in three weeks but the owner says he 's helpless because of a council ban on security shutters
2 Well I think that it is possible that as a result of the reporting of the Shadow Cabinet elections , that the sense was out in the public that somehow this was a setback for women , and that Labour
3 Of course , psychiatric diagnosis is not an error free process , and it is possible that in a proportion of the cases where there was diagnostic disagreement it was the research assessment that was in error ; it should be noted that in some cases the research psychiatrists could not agree among themselves on the diagnosis .
4 ‘ Mr Milburn and Mr Fallon are playing with statistics because to a degree one is right and to a degree the other is .
5 It is conceivable that on a charge of rape a man might argue that he had in fact meant to perpetrate an act of buggery and that the sexual intercourse that took place was unintended .
6 It is clear that at a meeting on July 4 between Lord Young and BAe , discussions included various tax benefits for Rover , to be achieved through the removal of the ring fence on tax losses and sympathetic revenue treatment .
7 It is clear that for a girl to have any chance of succeeding , she must play the Tour in some style .
8 Where these problems are absent there appears to be little that a reasonably fit older person can not do with an efficiency equivalent to a high proportion of younger workers ( see Stones and Kozma , 1985 for a good survey of research findings in this field ) : ‘ It is clear that as a piece of anatomical and physiological machinery , the human organism becomes progressively impaired from the late twenties onwards .
9 It is clear that as a matter of prudent management in a firm of any size one of the partners or a senior member of staff should be given overall responsibility for ensuring that all partners and employed solicitors ( whether or not held out as partners ) comply with these basic requirements of professional practice ( by keeping a check on replacement and renewal dates , collating relevant statistical information , ensuring timeous completion and posting of applications , etc ) and that the firm is spared the embarrassment of financial penalties or , even worse , an unwanted dissolution .
10 It is clear that under a system of well-conceived planning the resolution of competing claims and the allocation of land for the various requirements must proceed on the basis of selecting the most suitable land for the particular purpose , irrespective of the existing values which may attach to the individual parcels of land .
11 It is clear that in a number of sectors concentration is significantly higher than in the economy generally .
12 IT IS IRONIC that at a time when the shares of motor traders are dropping like stones , the price at which dealerships change hands has remained steady .
13 we witness his growth and personal development , times when he is content and in a lot of cases not content , he relationships with friends and people around him ( and how they get along together ) , but also we see how money and wealth can affect a little boy 's life so suddenly and drastically .
14 This is work they are able to do little about , despite public faith , and it is unpopular because of a reluctance or inability to display that little will be done .
15 Gordon lives in Rutherglen , is married and as a hobby , is a keen yachtsman .
16 The Irish team is talented and in a couple of years will be a threat to anyone .
17 He 's unconscious and on a life support machine .
18 Tolkien never mentions reading this , but it is unlikely that as a medievalist he did not .
19 The difference is that Orton 's pastiche is comic but in a way which interrogates rather than presupposes the norm .
20 Although pipe cutters are generally more useful for cutting new copper pipe , a hacksaw is useful for waste pipe and for cutting through old pipe — especially if it is tough or against a wall .
21 While most experts believe the best way to enjoy a good malt is neat or with a drop of water to release the flavour , Allan Schiach says you can add any mixer you like — even a cola .
22 We now write unc so that each square matrix is null except for a unit in the appropriate diagonal position .
23 At times she is whimsical as on a visit by Princess Margaret to Jamaica in 1955 : ‘ May I go on record once and for all — I hate to bend the knee , except to God , and even then not too often . ’
24 Whilst it is accepted that the total provision for the County , erm five hundred and sixteen hectares about twenty five he per cent above the approved plan provision , the County Council considers this is justified on the basis that it provides the most generous level which can be justified on the information which is available and at a time when changes in the distribution of business use are to say at the least unpredictable .
25 Never remove or change gas cartridges in or near your tent or near any source of flame , and never refill a fuel tank when it is hot or near a flame source .
26 There is much gold about his person , in the form of anklets and wristlets , but otherwise he is naked except for a leopardskin loincloth .
27 Some claim that the numbers are bound to improve now that more than half the country 's workforce is female or from a minority .
28 It 's relevant because at a time when I lived through the means test the one that , the real one , er then that would have been a very serious point because you could switch and turn and twist the means test in such a way that people would be continually at a disadvantage and the nearest I can think of what the effect of that was , living in a very working town , a very industrial working town and it was nothing like as bad as the one in London more recently , was the homelessness of cardboard boxes cities in London .
29 It is true that over a decade when the senior civil service was moving from being primarily regulatory in outlook to being primarily managerial , there was a lack of research , of assessment of situations before action could be properly planned .
30 It is true that at a rehearsal where the eye has nothing to engage it , a recitative immediately becomes boring ; but at the performance , where between the stage and the audience there are so many objects to entertain the eye , a recitative like this is over before the listeners are aware of it .
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