Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The mild dissonance used is either a minor 7th or a major 9th : Note that the added part is mostly in contrary motion with the top part ( this usually gives a more powerful bass ) , and that all the notes used are different .
2 Again , there is no note repetition and the movement is mostly in contrary motion with the treble .
3 One might say that the ‘ candid camera ’ technique used for some television programmes , where people have tricks played on them for the benefit of the viewers , is rather in this mode of observation , though it is to be hoped that social researchers would not encourage people to make fools of themselves in the way television producers do .
4 In fact , although there is an element of truth to this position , the previous theoretical analysis is arguably of substantial assistance in commenting upon the current framework of the law .
5 If you measure the atmospheric rise in carbon dioxide due to fossil fuel burning , you 'll see that it 's only about one half of that predicted if all of the coal and oil that had been burnt since the industrial revolution had gone into the atmosphere , we would probably have er an increase in C O two double what we can actually measure .
6 The rest of the meat is divided up among all those present at the kill — the reason being that it 's only by sheer force of numbers that any hunt succeeds .
7 It 's perhaps of some interest to us that erm these to great -isms , liberalism and nationalism I think we can see them as products of the French revolution .
8 If deconstruction in a purest sense is only of limited interest to a study which is asserting that texts emerge out of a particular culture called the English Renaissance , it is also true that , fortunately , there is little pure deconstruction about .
9 It is only on this body of knowledge that you are able to build your further development .
10 M4 , a globular , is only about 1 degree from Antares , so that it is in the same binocular field and can be found at once ; it is on the fringe of naked-eye visibility , but is comparatively loose , so that a telescope is needed to resolve it .
11 At present there is only about one line per 100 people in the Philippines where 40 lines per 100 people is considered acceptable in developed countries .
12 Dr Bernard Tinker , chairman of the Environmental Change Network steering committee , commented ‘ It is only through long-term observation of sensitive indicators that we can begin to distinguish genuine trends from short-term fluctuations .
13 They represent some aspects of what I have called the representation problem , and it is only through further investigation of that problem , and by becoming clearer about how the various kinds of norm could relate to our biological inheritance , that we can come to see much about what biological constraints there might be , beyond the obvious ones , on social and ethical arrangements .
14 This flexibility is very important as it is only by changing mode in the middle of a session that a user can vary an earlier trail to explore the text in a new manner .
15 Although this is a fair wage , it is n't going to sustain a rock ‘ n ’ roll superstar lifestyle for longer than a few weeks , so it is only by sensible use of budgets that the real size of the advances can be put in context .
16 Erm that 's inside plus other information about the assignment er waiting for you .
17 Harry Moyle 's very detailed examination of Hampden , aided by his own personal experience in the aircraft , is perhaps of more interest to the aircraft than the lifeboat enthusiast but is included here for two very good reasons .
18 It is perhaps at this stage of our spiritual pilgrimage that we begin to develop an appetite for reading the Bible devotionally — that is , out of love for God .
19 This is perhaps in sharp contradiction to the common stereotype of older people passively accepting the onset of the tide of ill health associated with later life .
20 The theme of public expenditure is obviously of great importance to the development of politics under the subsequent Tory government , and will be discussed more fully in the following chapter , but some comments at this stage are in order .
21 The decision as to the length of the prisoner 's tariff period is obviously of great importance to him .
22 This is obviously of real help to a lot of people even if it does n't help everybody .
23 And the theme is obviously of high consequence for the portrayal of any society where race is a trouble and where one race has subdued another .
24 is generally at that end of things .
25 Fuel economy is generally of little concern to these drivers as the company pays the bills .
26 For example the headword of a definition is generally in bold font of a particular size .
27 They are all part of the advertising and marketing that the parties believe has an effect on the voters — while failing to notice that this effect is generally in inverse proportion to the amount of thought , work or effort that has gone into any individual contribution .
28 The check is thus of crucial importance in the relationship between the player and his instrument .
29 It is thus in one configuration of refulgent meanings the sign of male aggressiveness and manly virtue .
30 And there is still another way of understanding time , which is that when a mother gives birth , she is giving birth to time itself , to a ‘ life-time ’ , and she is thus in some sense beyond time itself .
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