Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Parenthood is generally recognised as a time of crisis and adjustment .
2 2.25:GOLD CUP hero Cool Ground was beaten a long way behind Tipping Tim at Wetherby three weeks ago , and is best watched for the time being .
3 The epoch of blue shift is usually confined to the time when the object is still inside the event horizon .
4 Provided that the sound travel time h/c ( c is the sound speed in the object ) is short compared with the time for the impactor to fall through a scale height , stresses parallel to the axis should roughly be in hydrostatic equilibrium , with the axial stress at any point within the object being that required to decelerate the trailing mass .
5 Applications for these awards are unnecessary as each hotel is automatically considered at the time of the annual inspection .
6 As it takes about two years to convert an idea to law through our parliamentary system , new legislation is often implemented at a time when the circumstances which gave rise to the idea have substantially altered .
7 These days the deal is often struck at the time of divorce ; and usually it 's that the house goes to your wife , for good .
8 Advance details are published in the nursing press ( see Figure 1 ) and local radio advertising is often used at the time of the event .
9 The time taken to reach the highest speed is small compared to the time spent operating at this speed , so a large switching angle is chosen .
10 This time is small compared with the time for a signal at the speed of light to travel from the detectors at one side of the experiment to those , 6 metres away , at the other side .
11 This procedure can be rigorously justified , but roughly speaking the linear flow in B is justified for B small enough , and the affine transformation is justified because the time taken by trajectories to traverse the tubes T or 5 is small compared with the time they spend within B. It is also permissible , for r close to r* , to assume that the eigenvalues } i and the matrix A are constants which do not depend on r , whereas a and b depend linearly on ( r-r* ) .
12 Thus , there is an extension in which region IV is extended as far as and is then followed by the time reverse of the entire solution .
13 In contemporary Britain it seems almost impossible to go a single day without hearing , from some quarter or another , a senior policeman hectoring us on the deteriorated condition of public morals , while assuming the right to deliver homespun history lessons in which the past is lovingly remembered as a time of harmony .
14 Careful timing will also he required to ensure that the item is actually happening at the time it fits into the programme .
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