Example sentences of "[is] [prep] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However you intend to use the sack , it 's worth trying on a few makes before buying .
2 If you have a lot of repetitive driving to do , it 's worth investing in a spiral ratchet screwdriver with a range of inter-changeable bits .
3 For a somewhat less biased view of the global scene it 's worth sending for the latest Report on the State of World Population from the UN 's Fund for Population Activities ( 485 , Lexington Ave .
4 And they know everybody who 's worth knowing in the househunting jungle — which makes them the ideal people to recruit the rest of your team .
5 Er now I I would expect , I do n't know whether it 's worth talking about the general principle that we 're talking about different routes here and as i understand , the purpose today was to talk about the need for relief roads and I would expect at some future date , at a public enquiry when er I 'm defending er the outer blue er the outer northern route , to defend why that was chosen as opposed to an inner northern route and not rely upon the key diagram in the structure plan and the stars that are shown on there .
6 Equally , however , it should be recognised that some writing is about communicating with the outside world and having a say in that world .
7 Friendship is about caring for the other person , respecting the other person , sharing your interests with the other person , enjoying just being with the other person — but not about suffocating the other person with big slobbering kisses !
8 When Neill and Buchanan challenge what is many boxing fans ' most cherished theory , it is worth delving into the social backgrounds of all the world champions and many leading contenders .
9 In this context it is worth looking at a recent study carried out in California by Harbicht Research Inc for Southern California Edison , a local utility company who investigated how local residents felt about a proposed " wind-farm " project .
10 To give an idea of the syllabus for an LLB student it is worth looking at the typical curriculum in individual years .
11 It is worth knowing about the following aspects of your teenager 's life :
12 Whatever hardware you choose , it is essential that it is securely fixed , and it is worth thinking about the actual fixing point at your initial planning stage .
13 Despite its drawbacks the book is worth reading as a useful guide to recent developments .
14 Nevertheless , the topic is undeniably an important one and it is worth sketching in the legal rules .
15 I think this book is worth having for a professional needing some facts in a hurry and for a student wanting an introduction to intersection control .
16 For the moment it is worth concentrating on the shared concern for speech which is typical of both the written arts and , increasingly , of sociology .
17 It is worth working through the logical notation , however , for ease of reference later .
18 If you are recalled for a second interview it is worth changing to a different outfit altogether if you can afford it or have something else suitable .
19 WHAT a spoilsport the Queen is for objecting to the Spitting Image royal puppets being displayed in the window of Liberty in London .
20 It 's about because the company after all is you it 's a group of people and so er it 's about putting over the right image so quality presentation to a client the image .
21 PETERBOROUGH manager Chris Turner is considering quitting over the coin-throwing incident that may lead to the club being charged by the Football Association .
22 She mentions that Southmead Hospital is considering changing to a one year block contract as a means of empowering house officers and helping them to be recognised as an important part of the service provided .
23 Search consultants are often called in when an organisation is considering going into a new business sector , as Marks & Spencer did when they went into financial services with their credit card ; as when BP were trying to diversify their business and spot winners by developing new technology ; as financial services institutions do when they wish to launch a new product or enter new markets .
24 Erm , only thing is of working with the standard yes , 'cos that is n't what sub-contracting means .
25 Instead of ribs , the machine has a canvas roof to shield us from the weather , and although one can peer out through slits here and there , the effect is of travelling in a closed world , like an outsize gypsy wagon .
26 His diary has been well edited : to read it is like looking into a large egg-shell full of bubbles .
27 It is like looking through a magic window into the real world of natural irradiation .
28 If a grown-up really wants to find out what it is like to live in a young person 's world , let him or her get down on hands and knees and go about like that for a week .
29 It is like moving through a black and white film .
30 ‘ It is like moving from a one dimensional to a three dimensional picture of someone 's hearing , ’ says Mr Barton .
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