Example sentences of "[is] [adv] an [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There is furthermore an atmosphere of harshness and unrest about them that makes one realize how much closer to the spirit of Cézanne Braque 's contemporary work is .
2 Steel is basically an alloy of iron and carbon , but various additives may be introduced to enhance particular functional qualities .
3 This is basically an attempt to group or to classify customers according to similar needs or purchasing characteristics .
4 If the date on the valuation is after the date of the loss , then this is merely an estimate for replacement and does not prove the item was in existence .
5 It is very difficult to see how Germany is less centralised and it should be clear that the ‘ subsidiarity ’ principle is merely an allocation of competence , as in the hierarchy of a company , rather than a distribution of power .
6 He is persuaded to teach the talented Marin Marais but when he detects the young musician has little sympathy for his belief music is only an expression for sorrow , he returns to his hermit 's existence .
7 So much for the notion held among some people on the Left that politics is only an expression of economics .
8 Any error is only an error within jurisdiction .
9 It is only an extension of care for the individual in this life to continue to express concern after death .
10 There is perhaps an element of do-gooding about certain taxes and even today there are Treasury ministers who smugly claim they are doing the nation 's health a favour by putting up the levy on cigarettes , alcohol and petrol .
11 It all came back to that greatest of Italian national defects , which is less an attitude of xenophobia than a reflection of its people 's belief that Italy is God 's country and Italians God 's chosen .
12 Yet many teachers clearly feel that to admit to facing dilemmas is somehow an admission of weakness , and that at all costs a front of professional equanimity and consensus must be maintained in respect of the validity and practical viability of mainstream primary orthodoxies .
13 A child in a Hindu family is generally an object of love and joy not only for its parents but for every member of the family .
14 Theory Z is thus an extension of Theory Y , with the participative approach to decision-making emphasised as a need for consensus , and with an emphasis on personal commitment and the humanisation of work activities .
15 It is not an adaptation of society as a whole , and , Marx and Engels argue , it therefore has to hide the exploitation on which the dominant class relies .
16 I have some sympathy for the Home Secretary in these matters , he is not an Officer of State who over-occupies the position for whom I normally have a great deal of sympathy I must confess , er but on this occasion I do have some sympathy .
17 The plaintiffs argue that the same principle should apply in favour of making an order that the defendant should deliver up such property on the basis that such an order is not an order for discovery and that the authorities relating to discovery have no application .
18 People may actually be right but that is not an excuse for smugness , and non-interest in what anybody else thinks except to knock them down and force them to acknowledge the superiority of one 's own views .
19 It is not an exercise of discretion ; it is an evaluation of competing interests against the background that contempt must be established beyond reasonable doubt . ’
20 This is not an exercise in self-indulgence .
21 ( I sometimes wonder whether there is not an element of satire addressed by Shakespeare against the persona of the poet here , who can argue with such single-mindedness a case that seems the height of egoism in its intention to exploit the other — a woman — merely in order to reproduce itself . )
22 Hunting is not an occasion for male striving after status .
23 This is not an issue of race , but of creed .
24 Publishing excerpts from material such as planning applications for the purpose of public information , comment or criticism is not an infringement of copyright ; alternatively , you could find someone who can make a reasonable but accurate sketch of the proposals .
25 ‘ It is not an area of expertise for me . ’
26 There is not an iota of evidence that such standardised testing has improved education anywhere in the world .
27 There are important biochemical differences in the metabolism of different muscles ; in Locusta flight-muscle , for example , lactic dehydrogenase is virtually absent and lactic acid is not an end-product of glycolysis , whereas in the leg-muscle lactic acid accumulates after exertion and is slowly removed by oxidation and conversion to glycogen .
28 For instance , while brain cells do die and are not replaced , their loss is not an explanation for senility .
29 Even if a document such as a catalogue or price list is not an offer in law , there is no reason why it can not set out the terms of the offer , for instance by indicating that the party who issues it will only contract on those terms .
30 To submit the free speech principle to such a test is not an argument for book-banning .
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