Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 It is mostly found in the stronger astringents used for greasy skins .
2 ‘ As Scotland is little known to the greater part of those who may read these observations , it is not superfluous to relate that under the name Aberdeen are comprised two towns standing about a mile distant from each other , but governed , I think , by the same magistrates . ’
3 But the drama of this not very pleasant person is wholly overshadowed by the larger drama of an entire nation .
4 In 1924 , as well as a contribution from Lévy-Bruhl on ‘ Primitive Mentality and Gambling ’ , the Criterion carried Lewis 's ‘ Mr. Zagreus and the Split-Man ’ where , as in Tarr , modern civilization is constantly punctured by a deeper , often clearly anthropological element in a strange world of lustrations , masked figures , and phallic hands .
5 For example the mobility of labour between firms is especially concentrated in the earlier and later years of working careers .
6 Man is only responding to the greater cycles of nature .
7 Hardy was my poetical father and if I seldom read him now , it is , perhaps because our relationship is so assured as no longer to need being made conscious .
8 Mr Clinton is apparently thinking of a smaller force , with total manpower cut to 1.4m and troops in Europe to around 100,000 ; but little more is known of his intentions .
9 The most marked change however which is obviously connected with the smaller number of candidates is in the number of lost deposits which were only 35 against 64 .
10 Charles du Bos , the literary critic , another figure who is scarcely known to the younger generation even in his own country , was equally devoted to Eliot .
11 2 If a Bill of Rights is somehow entrenched as a higher law , then all ordinary legislation will need to be checked against that law .
12 However , the Revenue will continue to apply its existing practice until the case is finally decided in the higher courts .
13 The difference between ten-year-olds and seven-year-olds may be that ten-year-olds are able to provide communicative support for each other in a way that is generally denied to the younger children .
14 Although the term , delta , was originally derived from the Greek letter which approximates in shape to the Nile delta , it is generally used with a wider range of meanings today .
15 The relatively short human lifespan is thus put in a clearer biological perspective .
16 The increase in the price of consumer goods is thus accompanied by a faster rate of growth in Dept .
17 The Court held on the one hand that the protection of the Directive was a matter of public policy and so the worker could not trade away his right under the Directive to the maintenance of the same terms and conditions , even if ‘ the employee obtains new benefits in compensation for the disadvantages resulting from an amendment to his contract of employment so that , taking the matter as a whole , he is not placed in a worse position than before ’ ( point 15 ) .
18 Acceptance of a proof of debt for voting purposes at the first meeting is not the same as acceptance by the trustee of a proof for dividend and the trustee is not bound by the earlier decision of the official receiver .
19 The DoE has argued that waste from US bases is not covered by the Transfrontier Regulations which require close scrutiny of imported waste .
20 Probably the most interesting object is the open cluster NGC 2244 , round the star 12 Monocerotis ( 5.8 ) ; it is quite easy to locate with binoculars , and I am rather surprised that it is not included in the Messier list .
21 Again , this strand is not continued into the higher levels because further development of this ability would move into areas such as acting and public speaking , which are not appropriately assessed within a reading component .
22 The tendency of the subject to confirm the investigator 's expectation is not confined to the lower animals .
23 There are certainly some situations in which it would be seen as entirely inappropriate , for example in relationships between grandchildren and their grandparents , where support is normally given from the older to the younger generation , but in the form of a gift .
24 3 ) The question was asked do we really need such a statement when our ‘ creed ’ is already explained in the earlier leaflet ‘ The Task of Christian Aid ’ .
25 If you are thinking about trying to breed them , this is best achieved in a smaller aquarium where the breeding fish are on their own .
26 First , an increase in the general wealth of a country is usually associated with a greater proportionate increase in expenditure on services of the kind provided by local government .
27 If we have recently lost sleep ( after a week of trying to sleep in the daytime , for example ) or have been awake for an unusually long time , then the amount of deep sleep is increased but it is still concentrated in the earlier part of sleep .
28 The dense A-band is further traversed by a lighter H-band .
29 This variation in performance is further reflected by the higher standard deviation of the specific dictionaries .
30 The bit where the rest of the family goes out and the cat is after Stuart bores Babur : he thinks it is probably directed at the younger reader .
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