Example sentences of "[is] [verb] that [adj] [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 All these suggest that there has been some degree of real tooth loss in these predator assemblages due to digestion , and since this loss is also accompanied by loss of bone , it is considered that this is the most extreme degree of breakage in these comparisons .
2 Meantime , there was a lot happening just down the street to capture his attention , as troop after troop of soldiers passed through Frome on their way somewhere else : 300 of the Staffordshire Militia came in April of 1799 , replaced by an equal number of the same later in the month ; then the 300-strong Somerset Supplementary Militia arrived from Wells , complete with their own band , followed by the glorious Fifteenth Light Dragoons — ‘ It is supposed that these are the finest men and horses of any regiment in England ’ ; and the next year no fewer than nine hundred men of the Seventeenth Regiment of Light Dragoons came at one go .
3 ‘ It is stressed that this is the only confirmed case of doping into which an inquiry is being conducted at the moment by the Jockey Club . ’
4 It is recommended that this is an approved version , although a development version may be used if necessary .
5 It is recommended that this is an approved version , although a development version may be used if necessary .
6 It is accepted that ageing is a continuous process from birth to death and there are considerable differences between the average worker in the 25–45 age group and the apparent equivalent in the 46–65 age group .
7 No pretence is made that this is an ideal code : indeed its paucity ( subs ( 8 ) for example has well nigh limitless potential for disputes as to what matters might be considered " ordinary " in the circumstances of a particular firm ) , and the reliance on dissolution as the means to resolve disputes , is the very reason why a properly drafted partnership agreement should be regarded as commercially indispensable .
8 It is conceded that this was a mistake , flowing from a desire to be fair to the defence .
9 In the business world , it is felt that this is the degree of flexibility that is required .
10 It is argued that this is a significant factor in reducing the likelihood of girls joining delinquent groups .
11 Many systems of payment for commodities are based on ‘ unit price ’ rather than lump sum and indeed it is argued that this is a much simpler system for the general public to understand because the rate is fixed for all eventualities and becomes well known .
12 As with GSK3 , phosphorylation by CKII also inhibits c-Jun DNA binding in vitro and it is thought that this is a mechanism by which the cell can maintain c-Jun in an inactive state until it is activated by dephosphorylation .
13 IT IS understood that this is the first time a former LMS type has been on the line and follows the successful hire of former GWR 2-8-0 3822 by the WSR this year .
14 Now this is saying that that 's the wage rate in er in a rural centre .
15 In the last resort all that a test can give is a relation between two or more quantities such as load , displacement , time and temperature from which it is inferred that this is the general relation connecting these quantities throughout the body , for the assumption of such a general relation is at the basis of elasticity theory and continuum mechanics .
16 It is proposed that this is a new , complementary criterion to use .
17 It is believed that this is the first such interchange to be arranged between a British or a European social research group and one in the People 's Republic of China .
18 It is submitted that this is the correct approach , but in Dunne v. North Western Gas Board Sellers L.J. , delivering the judgment of the Court of Appeal , considered that common benefit was an important factor .
19 It is submitted that this is the strict and correct approach to severance .
20 It is accepted that some conception of a set of conditions for an effect is used , but it is denied that this is the conception of a causal circumstance .
21 That is to say that these are the absolute minimum basic pieces of equipment needed to start out .
22 It is suggested that this is an addition to a breach of CA 1985 , s263 which provides that the vendor can only make a distribution out of profits available for the purpose .
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