Example sentences of "[is] [verb] from [art] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Man is distinguished from the other animals by the growth and development of the brain with its extraordinary intricate mechanism , which even today is scarcely understood .
2 ‘ No , you wo n't have to , ’ I told him , ‘ my luck 's on the turn ; it 's going to be a tremendous year , though it 's true that just now one 's recovering from a few debacles . ’
3 Spoken language interpreting , because it takes place only in one medium ( i.e. sound ) , ensures that two languages can not be mixed directly , and the use of an interlanguage is discouraged from the earliest stages of language learning .
4 A new , hard-edged approach is expected from the joint services maxi-yacht , Satquote British Defender , in the second leg to Fremantle , Western Australia .
5 In fact , professional practice in this area is to exclude from the final accounts all orders issued where invoices have not been received .
6 Theory in fact is the building which is made from the hard-won bricks of research studies .
7 ‘ Theory , in fact , is the building which is made from the hard-won bricks of research studies ’ ( Man 1985 ) .
8 Omega Pet Foods manufactures the extruded variety which is made from the same constituents , but cooked under pressure — extruded — to form a characteristic nugget .
9 There is an opportunity for a subsequent improvement , if the system is freed from the worst effects of political interference , which should be made more explicit .
10 The increase of speed with altitude could be the result of the upward transfer , by convection in the troposphere , of energy of motion : as such energy is transferred from the high-density regions at low altitudes to the low-density regions high up then the low-density material has to move faster to carry this energy .
11 So in Scout 's case , her innocence leads her through her childhood and because she is too young to understand fully the barrier between the different races she lives among , she is saved from the emotional torments other people suffer , but in Perk 's case her innocence leads her straight into a very touchy emotional situation and ends up suffering death , too young to understand why .
12 It can be a rather gloomy spot , though a series of large trees growing along the clifftop — allied to the cliff 's aspect — means the place is sheltered from the prevailing winds .
13 Entering the transcendent and feeling the beautiful ideas of creativity is to escape from the sad feelings of the child .
14 The membership is drawn from the various sectors of librarianship — public libraries , academic libraries , school library services and special libraries — and members are invited to serve on SPILL for a term of 2 to 3 years .
15 Bu but basically we are , we are now going for land reform and if the , if th th the momentum from this is coming from the spontaneous actions of the peasants themselves , and if it 's not coming then we 've got ta give them the guidance to move in that direction .
16 Most active construction is coming from the smaller chains and operators like Quality Inns .
17 Now although equation ( 4.29 ) is derived from a rational expectations model , it does not look like one on the surface .
18 The balance is derived from the usual sources of membership , donations and sponsors .
19 The technical use of the term ‘ relevance ’ in the analysis of conversation is derived from the conversational maxims proposed by Grice ( 1975 ) .
20 Oregano is derived from the Greek cros , mountain and ganos , joy , beauty , and in Greece it was woven into the crown worn by bridal couples on their wedding day .
21 The term ‘ psychosomatic ’ is derived from the Greek words psyche meaning soul , and soma meaning body .
22 He 's still the most unlikely man in pop , and as for that vocoder of a voice , it still sounds like it 's coming from the very bowels of the planet .
23 And if it 's coming from the farthest reaches of space — where the tide of expansion flows really fast-it will still not have reached us — even though it started out on its journey at the beginning of the Universe , thousands of millions of years ago . ’
24 The night prior to the arrival of guests the section of the rack containing the reservations for that particular day is removed from the advance reservations rack ( Fig. 3.15 ) and placed alongside the room rack ( Fig. 3.14 ) and becomes the current reservation rack .
25 Beer is classified as a food stuff and yet it is excluded from the legal requirements to list ingredients .
26 And so here this rural craft er thing which I wrote for which you asked me which is arriving from the last minutes , is I 'll read it out to you .
27 The second example is taken from the early years of the nineteenth century .
28 In the first example below , 743 for Drawing is taken from the main schedules , and 03 for Dictionaries is added from Table 1 to make the notation 743.03 for a dictionary of drawing .
29 Ex-Fini Triber , Ministry Man and Revolting Cock Chris Connelly team up with the Tribe once more in a long and slow shuffling expedition that 's not necessarily a club-oriented track but is constructed from the fundamental elements of the club scene at least .
30 Erm and what we have done in compiling these tables and this has been done by the panel secretary , is to take from the various submissions of the participants , the various housing figures , the the various projections of likely need , of the housing requirement and the effective summary really is in P S O one , but when you look at P S O two er there 's a little more detailed work gone into that .
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