Example sentences of "[to-vb] off the [adj] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Depreciation is to be calculated on the straight line basis to write off the net book value of fixed assets over their expected useful lives at the following annual rates , starting from the month that the asset was purchased .
2 I 'm not saying I chose an affair expressly to ward off the 30th birthday blues , but my age and stage contributed more than mere chance .
3 The train was full of children , travelling alone and in groups , who managed to finish off the entire food stocks of the dining car .
4 Across Britain , Tory associations have enough to pay off the Central Office deficit and still spend plenty on local campaigning .
5 But within days ( i ) a bill arrives for £2.5m to pay off the former DLO employees ; ( ii ) the borough treasury suddenly lights upon a £6.5m deficit left over from 1987-88 ; and ( iii ) up pop £21m of debt repayments , mostly the result of deferred-payment agreements — glorified hire purchase — entered into when Whitehall started rate-capping in the mid-1980s .
6 Ill health and bereavement are the most common needs for which the charity gives assistance — for example , it has recently helped a member whose career was terminated by multiple sclerosis to buy an electric wheelchair , and given a loan to a member 's widow reliant on state benefits to enable her to pay off the disputed partnership settlement debts accrued when her husband died .
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