Example sentences of "[to-vb] away the [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 At once , the waiters began to reorganise the tables so that as many as possible could sit under the parasols and to hurry away the unused cushions and linen so as not to let them be soaked .
2 The bicentenary year is an opportunity and a challenge , as well as a danger : an opportunity to take stock and to hear and see Mozart at his best , a challenge to clear away the sentimental cobwebs and let Mozart speak , but a danger that the world will be engulfed in mass-marketed whimsy .
3 And that proved a costly mistake as super dad Polston pounced to prise away the three points and send the Canaries of Norwich flying high after again ruffling the feathers of their championship detractors .
4 But she had an idea , from Cara 's remark about sending a card home , that her sister fully expected her to stay away the whole fortnight as planned .
5 Why did she want to take away the one possession that was truly valuable to him ?
6 But it is presumably these later criticisms , made long after his emancipation from Wagner , that inspired Elisabeth to explain away the Wagnerian connection as merely secondary ; while her claims about her brother 's real intention to produce a " large " book about Greece ( and nothing but Greece ) would seem to be prompted by a desire to enhance his scholarly image ; for no other kind of book ( she decided ) would have satisfied his " scholar 's conscience . "
7 It does not seem possible to explain away the legal rights and duties of a body as being merely the rights and duties of the individuals composing it ; and
8 As he watched , I started to drag away the old door that had served us so well as foot-stopper .
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