Example sentences of "[to-vb] down [prep] [art] [noun] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Welsh name for the bridge over there , ’ said Beuno , gesturing , ‘ means ‘ the place where the milk was spilt ’ because one year the nuns ' cow went dry and they had to go down to the village to beg for some , and they got this far and then one of them dropped it . ’
2 Then I had to go down to the station to get somebody and by the time I came back , most of the stuff had gone .
3 He was then required to go down to the ranges to practise shooting with the 9 mm pistol .
4 There is one ray of hope — one member of the rescue team , himself an experienced caver , is a Casualty consultant from Suffolk who has volunteered to go down with the party to provide immediate medical assistance to the injured man .
5 She offered to come down for the weekend to help , and Carolyn wanted her badly enough to hesitate before putting her off .
6 The old grandma who was holding the girl 's hand looked across at him as he walked to the window to stare down into the street to watch for Eddie .
7 So majestic were Forest that one had to look down to the programme to make sure it was n't Robertson and Woodcock and McGovern and Gemmill combining in sweet harmony to carve open Leeds .
8 He sought resolve and found a little and went to lie down on the bed to read a paperback of Anna Karenina , which he had always fancied because it had a scene on a railway platform .
9 One of Beecher 's favourite oratorical gimmicks , which he used to great effect in England , was to lean down from the dais to tell a humorous story but only audible to the front row .
10 However , it looks like IXI may have to get down into the water to try and tickle this baby out of the flow , as DEC has its own problems to iron out .
11 You 've got to push down on the bike to get your seating right so when you 're on the throttle it 's all hooked up together .
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