Example sentences of "[to-vb] back [prep] the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I will want to come back on the same point that 's just been made , but if before I get to that there are some other points that I think I should make in explanation of the lead we have given , if I may call it that , in putting forward the distribution of the Greater York total .
2 But of course it is nice to come back to the same places over and over again , sort of er see friendly faces .
3 I have no residual obligation to come back to the same market stall next week .
4 Er if you want to go back to the same people .
5 She hated having to scan it in reverse rather than just rewind to go back to the same sequence the girl had been watching when she came in but Jezrael had n't thought to check the counter .
6 This determines the level of the water in the cistern so it needs to go back to the same notch
7 It will hold all the excess line you are ever likely to need , and its very concept of reeling will preserve the line from those snarls we mentioned earlier , because the line has little option but to reel back in the same form as it was reeled out .
8 One of the most common patterns of establishing chains of reference in English and a number of other languages is to mention a participant explicitly in the first instance , for example by name or title , and then use a pronoun to refer back to the same participant in the immediate context .
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