Example sentences of "[to-vb] these [noun pl] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes , particularly for a straightforward search in a printed index , it will be sufficient to establish these concepts in the searcher 's mind .
2 The regents were nevertheless compelled to accept these verdicts for the time being .
3 However , some tutors seem to feel that they are unable to accept these modifications despite the syllabus remaining virtually unchanged , though more comprehensive , as befits the education and examination standards of a ‘ professional ’ body that hopes for national recognition .
4 The aim of the present study therefore was to investigate the frequency with which p53 is overexpressed in large bowel adenomas ; to define which , if any , of these adenomas also contain a mutant K-rase gene ; and to relate these findings to the presence of malignant change .
5 in the case of Dahl 's study of New Haven , the power of the mayor can only be assessed on the basis of his own particular preferences for urban development and how he managed to secure these preferences in the decision-making process .
6 ( i ) Describe briefly an experiment that could be carried out to obtain these results in the laboratory .
7 THE COUNCIL 'S response to the government 's proposals for the future of water and sewerage services showed that Lothian 's current arrangements would be the most efficient , cost-effective and democratic way to provide these services in the future .
8 I wanted to write these lines in the newsletter as I wanted to say a general Thank you to the NCT and to individuals too .
9 Firstly , they must decide how many titles each library should stock on each subject , how to modify these figures as the type of use changes , and how to keep the stock in each subject relatively fresh and interesting .
10 I shall try to answer these questions in the rest of this book .
11 It therefore follows that to receive these beacons with the point five frequencies the aircraft equipment must have sufficient bandwidth to cover at least on kHz , and at best will have a much degraded performance with reduced usable range and accuracy .
12 It may then be a difficult political task to reverse these defeats on the floor of the House .
13 I also like to view these parts of the theory as bottom up and top down .
14 Yeah , it 's all religious , hypocrisy okay , humane , it 's humane to slog these boys down the chimney , yeah , it 's humane giving them a good beating is n't it , right then .
15 No one expects every one to hit these targets in the middle , but at least they should be in sight and the marksman should be provided with a gun that shoots straight .
16 The one significant exception was a ride for several days from St Louis to Memphis on a barge train to see these monsters of the river from the top side .
17 Traditionally , we have tended to see these situations from the adult 's point of view .
18 I am very sorry to have to report these words of the King 's , and I only do so because of my love of the truth .
19 But of course , as you and er , er er , rightly said , in an analysis you would always be able to confirm these interpretations from the patient , because in the end , of course , psychoanalysis is done by the patient , the analyst does n't do it .
20 The State approves the artistic tastes of a fashionable avant-garde elite and then uses its powers of subvention and promotion to enforce these tastes on the majority .
21 By allowing ourselves to be forced to carry these cards for the convenience of the state , we will be acknowledging that we are at the disposition of the state and its computers .
22 ‘ You see , we could n't get gigs in the city of Cork , so we used to play these places around the county .
23 Unfortunately , it has not been possible to trace these sherds in the museum collection .
24 Most people manage to avoid these areas like the plague , though they would n't have been bothered by stagediving at all — so I 'm afraid that Wiz 's well-intentioned argument that people can go near the front when there are no stagedivers fails .
25 To apply these characteristics as the criterion for dismissal or refusal to employ is to apply a gender-based criterion , which the majority of the House of Lords has already held to be unlawful direct discrimination in James v Eastleigh Borough Council [ 1990 ] 2 AC 751 .
26 This very day he would have to look these murderers in the face , the murderers of his youth !
27 Nevertheless , the Unionist majority on the council voted not to submit these reports to the Ministry of Development , Londonderry County Council , or Londonderry Rural District Council , whose co-operation would be needed to extend the boundary .
28 It is anticipated that it will be possible to group magazines into different types , and to use these groupings in the forecasting procedure adopted .
29 Although there is an intention to use these parts in the business they are essentially part of the operating cycle of the business and should be treated as current assets .
30 Otherwise it is very likely he would always hesitate or stumble when he would have to use these words in the course of a conversation .
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