Example sentences of "[to-vb] me [to-vb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And equally colleagues there is also , it 's true believe me , and normally there 's another one up there , a no smoking sign so please be restrained , if only to help me to get through the week with my voice which is usually very bad !
2 Then they tried to persuade me to part with the silver and everything else that had belonged to my husband .
3 They were both trying to persuade me to continue with the radiotherapy and drugs . ’
4 Herman S. has just telephoned to ask me to go to the theatre with Ivy and him next Thursday — to see Samuel Beckett 's new play .
5 ONE AFTERNOON KĀLI BROUGHT THE COWS HOME EARLY AND CAME rushing over to ask me to go to the forest with her to collect a load of pine-needles .
6 After a short , complicated conversation in our melange of languages , she left me to battle with my clothes and the shower , returning only to tell me to come to the house of Sheikha Grandmother .
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