Example sentences of "[to-vb] about it [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sally-Anne sometimes thought that her career as a housemaid had been sparked off by that remark as much as by anything else — that and discovering how hard life was in the East End , and her determination to write about it from the inside , rather than as a privileged outsider looking in .
2 ‘ Listen , I do n't want to talk about it on the phone .
3 His office would n't want to talk about it on the telephone , because my father has not been well , and at times has been behaving rather strangely .
4 I try any watch the production at some time during the week in order to be able to talk about it to the Press .
5 Well , this is an issue which is sort of under debate and it 's all part of the training thing , 'cause we are going to talk about it at the Training Committee tomorrow .
6 ‘ I do n't want to talk about it at the moment , Stephen , if you do n't mind . ’
7 You 'll probably want to talk about it without the embarrassment of having me here to listen .
8 On her way out Mrs Bradshaw again suggested that I phone the police , and I promised to think about it in the morning .
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