Example sentences of "[to-vb] them [prep] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 " You have come here chiefly to hunt the rare wild animals in our jungles so that the people of America will be able to see them on display in the Sherman Museum in Washington .
2 One day they were told that a police officer wished to see them in connection with the charges already preferred .
3 While there is no doubt that fascist organisations like the National Front have attempted to recruit members from the ranks of football hooligans , there is little to connect them with violence in the game ( Popplewell , 1986:59 ) .
4 In developing a critique of scientism ( which Habermas regards Knowledge and Human Interests to be ) he is not rejecting the epistemological validity of the nomological sciences or the hermeneutic sciences but is trying to orient them in relation to the critical sciences .
5 Vivien had some friends still up at Oxford and had arranged to meet them for lunch at the Randolph Hotel .
6 Since the other Nematodirus species do not have such critical hatching requirements , a sudden flush of L3 does not occur and although N. filicollis , N. spathiger and N. helvetianus have all been associated with outbreaks of nematodiriasis in sheep and cattle , it is more common to find them in conjunction with the other trichostrongyles .
7 For a start , the Democratic leadership capitulated rather easily ; the 1980 election results appeared to frighten them into cooperation with the president .
8 With increasing demands on caterers to provide top quality food quickly and efficiently , chefs are turning to well-established equipment manufacturers to provide them with state of the art equipment which will make their job easier .
9 An important role of the office is to alert researchers in UK higher education establishments to the opportunities available , and to provide them with advice on the programme most relevant to their research needs .
10 Council Courier continued to be circulated to regions and branches to inform them without delay of the decisions of Council .
11 His alternative was to increase the army 's number of permanent divisions from thirty-one to forty-seven , to maintain them at a relatively low level in peacetime , but to triple them in size on the outbreak of war .
12 The sciences were at one time supposed to generalize from observations by a logical operation called induction , claimed to free them from dependence on the merely analogical thinking which prevailed in the mediaeval proto-sciences , and which regrettably remain for the time being indispensable in dealing with everyday problems .
13 Similarly , when the informants were given five sets of words , and asked to list them in order of the likelihood of appearing in SF , the experienced readers included " dreams ' , " drugs ' , " consciousness ' , " identity " , " information " ( all themes of recent SF ) while the inexperienced readers marked only " Martians ' , " flying saucers ' , " ray-guns ' , " robots ' , " mutants ' .
14 It could well be that I have prejudices about what makes a decent DTP system , but I tried to outline and then to justify them as part of the review .
15 Record cards should be provided by management and salespeople encouraged to use them as part of the sales plan before each visit .
16 The slow transit rate of fibre-depleted diets is also thought to encourage the formation of these potentially dangerous substances within the body — and to leave them in contact with the gut for too long .
17 The survivor thus denies that he has ever harboured any hostile feelings against the dead loved one ; the soul of the dead harbours them instead and seeks to put them into action during the whole period of mourning … .
18 The ambitious Hall , famed cup specialists , are still involved in both the Rothmans and the Welsh Knockout Cups and need the talents of County choice Peers to keep them on track for the double .
19 To keep them in tutelage to the CNAA was both humiliating and unfair .
20 Presumably when the ( outside ? ) directors of the company meet they will discuss the earnings of the top managerial staff , and attempt to keep them in line with the manager 's worth ( marginal product ) to the company .
21 Peers may also miss today 's Competition game against Mochdre , but the skills of Darren Peters and all-rounder Kevin Owen could still earn them the points needed to keep them in touch with the pacemakers .
22 This helps to protect them from starvation during the first week or two , when conditions may still be hard .
23 It is unusual to consider them in conjunction with the ostensibly different milieux and traditions of broadcasting .
24 The governors decided to give all these matters priority and to consider them in detail at the next meeting .
25 The real mystery about his story is not why two wives refused to make love to him , but how he stopped talking about himself long enough to invite them to bed in the first place .
26 The condition may be upheld if the plaintiff had previously disclosed his reports or offered to disclose them in exchange for the defendant 's reports ( Clarke v Martlew [ 1973 ] QB 58 ) but even that is in doubt since Megarity v DJ Ryan & Sons Ltd [ 1980 ] 2 All ER 832 in which it was said that the plaintiff can not make it a condition precedent to granting a medical examination that the defendant must produce the ensuing report , since to do so would pre-empt the court 's power to give directions as to expert evidence .
27 Fosbrooke even believed that it might be possible to educate them without danger to the state .
28 She also wanted to save them from slaughter for the sum of two hundred pounds .
29 Recently , and at vast expense , Loch Ken has been revitalised and restocked , because it had become fishless ; and there is evidence that many other lochs , surrounded by conifer plantations , will need similar treatment to save them from ruin in the foreseeable future .
30 Before the Christmas rinds had been thrown to the pigs , Osbern of Eu had gone , in one of Thorfinn 's remaining ships , and twenty men with him , in seas as ready to rob them of life as the war they were joining in Normandy .
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