Example sentences of "[to-vb] them [prep] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Once you have been through the various categories listed above and picked out all the names to be included next step is to arrange them in some sort of order .
2 In addition , we must try to augment our oil revenues so as to enable the government to invest them for future development in industry and for processes and inventions at present unknown to us .
3 He questioned whether it would be possible to prosecute them with any chance of success with the present rules of evidence and he would be against proceeding if it meant changing the way in which the courts worked .
4 Because students are taking two qualifications at one , it is very important to provide them with easily-understood information at appropriate stages of the programme .
5 An attempt is being made to provide them with some form of base organisation without which they can not develop full effectiveness .
6 I shall be happy to receive them in any form in which the hon. Gentleman cares to send them — but they should probably go to the independent regulator , as he well knows .
7 Cut out the completed crossword and send it to : to reach them by first post on Saturday September 12 .
8 Do not attempt to organise them in any type of pattern other than under the major heading of asset or liability .
9 Do not try to form them into any sort of order ; merely pick them out and write them down .
10 These three questions clearly overlap , but can be treated as conceptually separate , and it is helpful to disentangle them in this way at least initially .
11 In some cases , again , his links with the local gentry can be inferred only from his readiness to use them on sensitive business after 1483 .
12 In some cases , again , his links with the local gentry can be inferred only from his readiness to use them on sensitive business after 1483 .
13 Sometimes at least they seem to have reported to Stockholm independently of the chief under whom they served ; and in the later years of the eighteenth century Gustavus III sometimes tried to use them in this way as agents of a secret personal diplomacy .
14 I suppose the reason was one of policy really — they had the youngsters hooked and they wanted to keep them in that position by not rocking the boat .
15 Whenever animals are to be brought into an animal house from an outside source it is advisable to keep them in strict isolation for 28 days while health checks are carried out .
16 In a bid to protect them from possible attack by Oswald and Eadbald , acting in collusion , Aethelburh sent the Deiran princes for greater protection to the Frankish king , Dagobert I , for fear specifically of Oswald and Eadbald ( HE 11 , 20 ) .
17 It is perhaps not coincidental that the same Islanders , whilst wishing to keep their traditional forms of adoption , are also seeking legal security to protect them from undue interference from the natural family .
18 West Belfast should be treated as a special case and a uniform grant at the Premium 3 level given for all trainees ; alternative solutions must be found where it is simply not possible to find employers to take second year trainees ; cover should be given to management committees to protect them from personal liability in the event of insolvency .
19 Its owner , Okan Guney , has been trying to breed them at this home in Kidlington for two years .
20 Then you may have to pay commission to convert them into local currency on your travels and could have to pay to reconvert those left over back into sterling on your return to Britain .
21 It started when the Crown , which up till then considered swans as Royal property , agreed to share them with 2 City of London livery companies ; the Vintners and the Dyers .
22 It will be easy enough to bleach them with some Milk of Magnesia the night before he comes home .
23 Of course many committees are composed of old chums , but a way of making meetings less forbidding to those outside the circle is to hold them on neutral ground outside members homes .
24 All this training was to hold them in good stead for the war to come , when the older members were to form the backbone of a very efficient Fire Brigade .
25 The aim of the project in relation to schools is to regard them as one kind of community group among others .
26 That could , that needs to be maintained , it could also be extended , though of course they have great difficulties because of er their , their own financial restrictions , but we also , I think as a community , need to think about who these homeless people are , and , and not to regard them as some kind of alien population , but to realise that there are , they are our own neighbours , they are our own families that are in this predicament , and that collectively we need to join together and actually make demands on central government and locally to try and do something about it .
27 But they all counted as pieces on the diplomatic chessboard and enjoyed some sort of self-government ; it is convenient to regard them at this point as comparable entities .
28 But roasting them , I would n't like to get them with any sort of burnt taste .
29 They might be different if he had the opportunity to change them after each stage of the count .
30 Do n't forget to advise them of any change in your financial affairs .
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